About Me

iaM jUST odiNarY GaLz..WiTH oRdiNArY LifE... iAm oN thE WaY to FinD mY soLAceDo I expect too much for thiz cruel life…?? I just want to fording ocean of joy.. Breath the fairy air..LigHT a CAnDdLe..HeLP mE to FInD shiVeR oF mY hearT iaM bEg on You.....LifE wILL bRinG u IntO reSSistAncE..thEre"s nO LovE..pAiN..JoY..BetRAyAL.. anD thEn U dYiNG....

My Interests

CAnT LiFe wIthoUt mUsIC..DyiNG WithoUT bOOkS..BorInG WiTHoUT moViE..

I'd like to meet:

sOmeoNE whO hAvE ThE spIrIt oF ocEaN sTreNgth As EarThQuAkE.. GlOriOuS As SkY.. MaTuRE As nyMpH..TakE mE aS uR brIdE.....


MY ChEmiCAL rOMAnCE..INcoGniTO..stEviE wOndeR..ChrIsTiNA AguiLerA..ALIciA kEYZ..UsHEr rAyMOnD II..ALanISS..BoYZ II mEN..LuThEr VAndRoSS..


silenCe OF tHe LAmbS..HaniBaLL..rEd dRAgoN..kiLL bILL vOL 1..KiLL BiLL vOL 2..cHronicLeS oF nArNIa..pRomiSE..PrOOf..


oprah winfrey show,crime story,punkd,spongebob squarepants,happy tree friend,the contender,desperate housewife!


davinci code,can u keep a secret, toto chan,jemima..doraemon,sinchan,asarichan,angel n demon,1st to die,2nd change.


WhO CAn SAVe mE fRoM tHiS uNkiND....