Wunan KiLL Paichow profile picture

Wunan KiLL Paichow

I'm alone with you and i'm crazy bcoz of u gurl.

About Me

Whenever I'm alone with you You make me feel like I am home again Whenever I'm alone with you You make me feel like I am whole againWhenever I'm alone with you You make me feel like I am young again Whenever I'm alone with you You make me feel like I am fun againHow ever far away I will always love you How ever long I stay I will always love you Whatever words I say I will always love youI will always love youWhenever I'm alone with you You make me feel like I am free again Whenever I'm alone with you You make me feel like I am clean againHow ever far away I will always love you How ever long I stay I will always love you Whatever words I say I will always love youI will always love you

My Interests

surfinG,clubin,drink alkohol...wayang kita.hanging out wif frens(lepak2)... playing computer game ..blaaa blaaaa...APE2 YG SERONOK LER

I'd like to meet:

frens and frens.my best best frens..schoolmate SMT Bintulu 2000/2001


R&B,Trance,Hip Hop,rock but not heavy!! linkin Park song


Tranformers(new,lord of the ring 1,2,3.Ghost Rider,Pirates 1-3,catch Me If U Can,All Jackie Chan& Chow Sin Chi Muvie.love both.Funny


Smallville,Naruto(Anime)!!Prison Break,1 Tree Hill,The O.C,Jack 2.0,ugly betty,las vegas


Comic...Wira Tunggal.


My Father..

My Blog

my luv is mines....

<a href="http://www.pimpmyspace.org/glittergraphics.php">< ;img src="http://c.myspace.com/Groups/00003/43/54/3994534_l.gif" border="0"></a>...
Posted by Wunan KiLL Paichow on Sat, 08 Oct 2005 04:31:00 PST

Bout my lifesoul

My life just 4 me n all people i luv....my family da mostly....my frenz...
Posted by Wunan KiLL Paichow on Wed, 05 Oct 2005 05:12:00 PST