perry profile picture


betcha' thought about it"

About Me

CHILL!!!!!been THURR,done that, will do [email protected] just cant figure out why i like engaging in gimmicks w/my fiends errrr.... i mean friends (homies, fool) while wearing tattered jeans & shirt (throw in my chuck taylors in there 2 go with) or even owning d latest mobile phones & electronic gadgets or simply hangin' out. (me thinks i need 2 get a life)i actually admire women who knows what they want in life and knows how to get it. (THEY SIMPLY ROCK MY WORLD & KICKASS)i'm also a living proof that behind every successful women is an exhausted man. (whatever that means, whewwwww......) 20_sexy_motives-000.jpg

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

baby dis is what im lookin 4:sexy, independent, gotta spend it type that's gettin' her dough.dig?kidding actually lookin for someone i can share my life with.................... u know.......... stuff like, growin' old together and stayin' in love forever, that sort of thing......(nak's naman, he he he)


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