Motorcycles, surfing, Music, Grooving, living, adventuring, mind controlling the masses, travelling, building my moto army, chilling, goofing, daydreaming, Flight.
Anyone that digs the sound of the ocean, the sound of your motor in the powerband, the thunder and groove of someone tearing it up on the decks.... People that can still laugh even though the sound of motorcycle bouncing off the limiter hid the sound of police sirens in close pursuit.... *for 8 miles* Moto people. People that want to become moto people. Surfers. Artists (not the foo foo pinky extended types). Well maybe the pinky types... we'll have to see... freaks, fools, fun folk, djs, dancers, doctors, tech monkeys, suits, and suits that wish they had grown up and done any of the above... You get the picture.*even moreso of people up in my area
Music so intense that it makes me want to explode. Or jump up with my arms waving making devil signs everywhere. Failing that - music that makes me wish I could move like a sped up raver flailing about or a well schooled break dancer... dark and sexy, dark and hard, loud n' fast, rhythmic and groovy, mushroomed and rainbowed or Acid house frenzy I like it.all.. *- House, Techno, Breaks, Goth, Industrial, Punk, New Wave, Rock,Metal even some hip hop- basically I'm a dirty music whore.*except country or western (if there is a difference) , opera *shudder*, and *hack, spit* showtunes
Give me aliens or give me death. Horror, sci fi are my faves, comedies and anime are fun too...
TV SUCKS. sort of. .. I do get a guilty pleasure kick out of Fear Factor, Chapelle show, and South Park, Daily show isn't bad either. I'll watch LOST, The Wire, The Shield- if I get a chance. Looney tunes from the 70's rock, all in all there is some fun out there, but nothing I'd plan for...
Philip K Dick stories- A Scanner Darkly, Steppenwolf/ Hesse stuff, Gaiman, Terminal Cafe, Schwa world Operations Manual, Buffalo Soldier, Robert anton Wilson, Hitchhikers Guide, Carlos Casteneda, Colin Wilson, George RR Martin, EVERYTHING by Richard K Morgan so far, having fun with pulpy Horror by Dean Koontz
My parents and grandparents most of all. Sochiro Honda. Valentino Rossi (even though the F*er defected and now rides Yamaha)Everyone that said F* it and dropped 20 Mil to fly into space.