ROCKSTELLAR profile picture


Get ready to ROCKSTELLAR baby!

About Me

Thanks to everyone for showing such OUTSTANDING support for ROCKSTELLAR!
ATTENTION FRIENDS/FANS! We now have in stock ROCKSTELLAR T-SHIRTS! Currently available in BLACK with WHITE LOGO or BLACK with RED LOGO! $15.00 each. XL, LG, MED, SM. Get them at our shows or email us HERE ON MYSPACE or [email protected] to get one. Or if you prefer....$5.00 shipping in the U.S.A.
RockStellar explodes on stage with a hot mix of old school rock style, boundary-busting songwriting, and musicianship found lacking in today's popular bands! With sing-along choruses, saucy & soulful ballads, and juicy, can't-sit-on-your-hands blues-rock tunes, RockStellar breaks the mold.Get your ROCKSTELLAR today!!!
Phil, born in Chicago (birthplace of electric blues), began studying classical and jazz guitar at age 12. One summer day in Washington, DC there was some old blues guy playing at a folk festival. The sound of the guitar went straight to his soul and he was hooked. Phil played in several original and cover rock bands in and around DC. One memorable night at a club in Virginia, the owner began firing a pistol into the ceiling to break up a fight, but Phil kept rocking! He continues his musical journey now in New York City as he continues his artistic evolution from 'rock guitarist' to hopefully someday become 'some old blues guy'.
Stacy is a vocalist, musician, and songwriter originally from Long Island, NY. Before joining RockStellar to fill the Bass and Vocal position, she performed as a live and studio musician in New Mexico and New York. As a vocalist and multi-instrumentalist with over 25 years of experience, Stacy lends her intense and soulful style of performance to an already simmering concoction that we call ROCKSTELLAR!
Jimmy, born and trained in Green Country, Oklahoma has done grunge (Concrete Mind), rap/metal (Zenophile), eclectic covers (Jimmy and the Teabaggers), and bluegrass/folk (Andy Mullen and the Shapeshifters). With 15 years experience in choirs, concert & marching bands, musical theatre, business, engineering and even barbershop quartets, Jimmy F. is proud to be part of the greatest Rock(STELLAR) band in New York City!!
What can we say? This band is HOT!
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Learn More about Jimmy!
Learn More About Stacy!
Learn a little More About Stacy here!
Learn More about Phil!
Thanks to everyone for showing such OUTSTANDING support for ROCKSTELLAR!
ATTENTION FRIENDS/FANS! We now have in stock ROCKSTELLAR T-SHIRTS! Currently available in BLACK with WHITE LOGO or BLACK with RED LOGO! $15.00 each. XL, LG, MED, SM. Get them at our shows or email us HERE ON MYSPACE or [email protected] to get one. Or if you prefer....$5.00 shipping in the U.S.A.

My Interests


Member Since: 9/12/2007
Band Members: Stacy C: Bass, VocalsJimmy F: Drums, VocalsPhil R: Guitars
Type of Label: None

My Blog

The Krazy Kangaroo Show!

So, gig numero uno is done!!  Thank you so much to all who came, and thank you to Scott at The Krazy Kangaroo (aka the Dublin Pub!) for inadvertently giving us our first gig!  It is always d...
Posted by ROCKSTELLAR on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 11:20:00 PST


Posted by ROCKSTELLAR on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 08:52:00 PST

Get ready................

Oh yes. is about to melt faces! We are just about ready...... so look for new everything from ROCKSTELLAR. New pictures of the band and updated "about us" section to follow. Gigs are currently being...
Posted by ROCKSTELLAR on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 10:21:00 PST