art, photography, individuality, creativity, human behavior, cooking, time and space, discovering, learning, growing, understanding, music, writing, reading, thunderstorms, chocolate, spirituality, emotional intelligence, singing loudly when no one is around to hear, soul to soul connections, warm breezes, cold coca-cola from a can, long showers, pondering ideas, open-mindedness, truths, dreaming ( asleep or awake), antioxidents.
truth seekers
the kind that comes from the soul and flows through the body
PARIS JE T'AIME, juno, running with scissors, little miss sunshine, born into brothels, tarnation, baraka, powaqqatsi, koyaanisqatsi, buffalo 66, stand by me, the wizard of oz, welcome to the dollhouse, amelie, donnie darko, the royal tenenbaums, kids, waking life, drop dead fred, beatlejuice, nightmare on elmstreet series, the doom generation, city of god, high tention, but i'm a cheerleader, the ice storm, paper house, its a beautiful life, what the bleep do we know anyway, the dark crystal, i heart huckabees, jesus's son, rad, garden state, herold and maude, ghost world, the princess and the warrior, hedwig and the angry itch, pinero, mind the gap, magnolia, die mommy die, rock and roll highschool, particles of truth, the peanut butter solution
Saturday night live
a new earth, the science of mind, the power of intention, ask and its given, the alchemist, the dream giver, the giving tree, marianne williamson/a course in miricles, god and the evolving universe, hope for the flowers, the hidden messages in water
people who are: authentic, open minded, and open hearted