For the past 30 years Smug Johnnie Stark has written, produced and recorded some of the best loved songs of the modern era...'Timeless'...'Transcendental'...Just some of the words used in a vain effort to describe his work....Sadly and, as I'm sure you're all too well aware,original recordings of Smug Johnnie Stark's songs are today scarce and almost impossible to obtain.This situation owes a lot to the fact that, until now, they have only been available inside Smug Johnnie Stark's head...But now,for the first time, out of his head at last, Smug Johnnie Stark has painstakingly remastered his original recordings into a tangeable format, allowing us all to share the magical uneasiness that is, always was and always will be Smug Johnnie Stark...So watch this space, My space, Your space over the next weeks, months... and witness the 'soundtrack to everything'as it unfolds
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