SIXX A.K.A DEREK CRUE STYLE profile picture


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About Me

I grew up real fast! My parents divorced when I was 12 my dad moved to Arizona where I have family outside of Minnesota.I stayed with my mother and she remarried soon after to a guy who was at the time only 10 years older then me I was 12 he was 22 or something like that he was ok but I didn't think so. I was against the world at the time I was 12 going on 18. I started to party was introduced to drugs and was getting high at 12! I still remember the first time I smoked, I crawled in the woods and thought I was a cat? (Just shows you first time initial effects it can go anyway)after a few years I eventually was doing LSD,pot,hash,white cross and chugging whiskey until I blacked out. I hung around a rough crowd most of my friends were felons,drug dealers. I was always in trouble eventually by 14 or 15 I slowed down a little I had no choice I was being shipped back to live with my dad in Arizona and that didn't work because he couldn't handle me either. I ran the streets down there and was shipped back home. By the time I was 17 I slowed down a bit not much but was into playing guitar a lot music has always been a big inspiration to me. I'm self taught my first lesson was when I was 8 my uncle set me up with this guitar teacher and I had a few lessons until the fucker kept falling asleep on me! I was always around music my dad had his acoustic that I played on when I was younger. I always picked it up but never knew what I was really doing until I was 17 or 18 I bought an electric cheapo Yamaha and an old vintage amp sat there every fucking day reading tab and playing for months on end until I had it down pretty good.I had some friends that were in bands and ran the scene jumping on stage and playing with bar bands if they would let me. I put together my own band it never went very far but it was cool. after that I remeber one night my friends band was playing at a fucking holiday inn after they played their set we went back to the room got trashed and pushed each other in the pool that was closed after 11:00 it was like 1:00am and we lined up chairs by the pool ans launched in the pool clothes on beer and bottles of Jack and souther comfort.Security rattled us fuck em we said waited until they left and did it again! since then I hit my 20's drank all the time tried my luck with bands I was in a small town so It was hard after about 28 I gave up I quit drugs in my early 20's and fought with alcoholism until I was 28 I was married and divorced twice in that time the last split up was in 03 I met a super nice woman that I'am with now and everything is going great! I'm a fast and proggresive player I have a unique style and like to combine a lot of different styles to how I play. There are too many wild stories to list here but it was a wild ride! I did what ever the fuck I wanted to whenever I wanted! I never let anything get in my way of doing what I wanted to I was on a speeding train going one way!! My attitude was a don't give a shit about anything (ya real good attitude right?) but what took away the pain.....drugs,alchohol,partys,bars,clubs. If I can give some advice to anyone about going through drug and alchohol abuse is once you step on that ride your on for the whole ride wild or not,but eventually the ride has to come to a stop. Thats when you have to decide to either get back on or stop? and I can tell you this from experience getting off the ride is a lot worse then taking the ride itself. after time it's all worth it. things in life are tough for a while but after you get through it you look back and say what was I thinking? everything gets better and you see things in a whole different way. the way they should be. you feel good and every day your here is appreciated so much more. Thanks to my mother for putting up with all my shit I wouldn't be who I'am today without her support. I would like to play in another band if I can find one I grew up with music and it will always be my passion too keep playing on my own or in a band.I'm currently working on recruiting some band members for a band I call Distorted Reality. I actually have about 20 different names not sure what name I will go with yet! ha ha I'll pick one soon. I write my own songs and maybe I'll get lucky this time. The music is a mix of heavier sounding to a grunge style some blues and rock.Music has always been a big part of my life as you can see. I like to support female artists as much as I can. I just don't think they get enough recognition so you will see banners from female artists on my page. Thats just my way of trying to support as many of them as I can. My music style is more heavier music but being a musician myself I like all styles of music.
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My Interests

music,guitar,songwriting,custom bikes,Harley Davidson,choppers,design engineering,fast cars.....I like a variety of diffrent things too much to list.

I'd like to meet:

Nikki Sixx but I already met him. I always was a big fan of Motley Crue. It would be cool to meet the rest of the band someday



PHAZE TEN: Voacal: Tony/ Lead Guitar: Derek/ Rythm Guitar and Effects: Eric/ Bass: Troy/ Drums: Chris/


Sixx A.M. - Heroin Diaries - Intro
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people who inspired me to be who I'am today. My family My kids my girlfriend my grandmother who I lost to cancer and my wierd dog who is a boxer but has a personality of his own.