canis profile picture



About Me

i am a artist/ musician trying to express my feelings in number of ways i have web site with my music and art on it if u are a fan of those things i suggest u look at them..... my solo project at the momment is called abrasivecell ...... the name is pretty explanitory in it self ...harsh industrial distorted vocals and sample..... made to rock u the wrong or right way .... trying to get some publicity on the web its sad i don't live in the states : P because this site is more orienated to that direction abrasivecell/artworx siteanother mp3 hosting site with more songs and the same msn i am ussual on is [email protected] if u want to add me.. i always like meeting new people ..

My Interests

aliens ghosts ....dead babies and base ball bats ...industrial music ..... art ... peoms lyrics.. graphic design.. pot work passion

I'd like to meet:

people who like my music or art ..... or just want to talk about what ever it may be....... now say some thing clever


industrial /punk ..electronica ...junk rock .. noise... bodily noises ... hard ebm hocico suicide commando ... old synth pop the legendary pink dots and other experimental bands


favorite movies the movie SICK .... donny darko .... terminator 1,2 .. aliens all of them ...


i killed it


reading a brave new world... very good book


rozz williams ogre .. thats all i can think of now

My Blog

first day of account astablish friends of interest

first day of account astablish friends of interest ............. and so on ........... here is a peom i wrote the cell I can hear the foot steps coming closer In this empty white room I ...
Posted by canis on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST