Starting a family and getting a better job so i can better support my family
anyone who is proud of themslves. nothing wrong about speaking your mind, hell, that's what this place was founded for. when you stop saying what you feel then you have lost the greatest thing we have, freedom! As for anyone in particular, i have already the best women i could ever have. I don't like drugs or people who have drinking problems and if you either and your around me, don't tell me b/c it pisses me off!
Oi!, Folk, Bluegrass, Metal.... anything that's not rap or that R&B crap
I'll fill this out when i have like a hour to do it
Nothing really other than history channels and stuff like that.
Also something that will take about 2 hours but I am reading The South Was Right as of now.
Grandfather and all the brothers and sisters that have died or have shed blood for the cause! You are forever in our hearts!