About Me
read this too ha ha...
HAIL VANTRU...Genious !!!
Brennið þið kyrkjur, onà svarta
saman við mold og leir á
Landsfeðra draugsa, hórdólg,
helgan anda,
hengið þið krosslaf
upp á löppunum.
"Það á enginn að segja til um hvort ég viðurkenni arabÃska afturgöngu nema ég sjálfur"
Helgi Hóseasson.
Týr er einhentur áss
og Úlfs leifar
og hófa hilmir
The one armed God Týr is StrÃðsguð,
God of War. You should count on him before and in war. Týr is also god of Military spirit, Politics and Justice/Þing.
The ancient
pagan warriors carved Týr magick symbol in the wood shaft of theyr swords to protect them in battle.
Týr is son of Óðinn and Freyja.
He is the third main god after Óðinn and Þór.
Týr is identificatet with the Polarstar and he was the god of the sky in ancient indo europe.
Týr Roman name is Mars.
Týr is very brave, courageous, strong, and ingenious, Týr has power over victory in battle
Týr lost one of his hand in Fenrisúlfur jaw. He was the only one who had the courage to feed the Fenrisúlfur.
When the wolf was little, it was easy to have him and the gods played with him for fun, but the wolf grew fast, so they had to find a way to tie him down.
The gods tryed twice without held to tie the wolf. Then they let the dwarfs made the tie Gleipnir, that should be strong enough to hold the wolf bound. The thin tie didnt look very strong, but it was a magick tie, made of the sound when a cat moves, a womans beard, the roots of a mountain, a bear sinews, fish breath, birds spittle.
The Fenriswolf knew that they where trying to fool him, and he thought that they wouldnt release him again as they promissed, if he couldnt release him self from the bound, so he denyed to have Gleipnir on, exept if Týr layed his hand in the his jaw.
Týr lost his hand from the wrist for his courage there
The wrist on the hand is still called Úlfliður=(wolfsegment) in Icelandic language.
The Fenriswolf was stuck there tied down in Jötunheim until Ragnarök.
Týr lost his life when fighting Garmur the dog who was tied outside of Gnipahelli to protect Hel.
Týr managed to kill Garmur when he was in his stomach and stab his sword in the heart of Garmur and killed him.