I like raving, surfing, swimming, skim boarding, mountain biking, kayaking, fishing, and taking nature walks. i like to meditate and read books on meditation/mindfulness. i am interested in helping others, and i wait patiently for the singularity. the whole point of buddhism is to end all human suffering. in about 20 years when nanotechnology ripens and the singularity comes, human suffering will come to a complete end. it will be a great triumph for our intelligent civilization, and its the thing i think about most. when it happens life will be so different. im so happy to live at such a critical time for our species. were gonna live forever and we are gonna see so much change.
anyone interested in spirituality. i mainly read buddhist texts, but i am also interested in hinduism, shintu, and taoism. eastern thought and zen are areas i enjoy reading about. id love to meet anyone interested in mindfulness or who likes to meditate.
i love electronic dance music, of all kinds. i often attend EDM events or raves. i love the music, and the culture. in the past someones culture was what their parents brought them up as. it was ur race, ur country, ur religion, or where u lived geographically. today atleast in the US the most culturally diverse nation on the planet(which makes me proud to be an american) ur culture is not what race or religion u are, but more what music u listen to and what hobbies u have. The whole world is goin the way of america, towards diversity, which will mean less wars and human suffering, since people can realize we are all human, and we can celebrate human culture. i see this vision in the raves. Rave culture is many things but to me it is about spreading humanism, the idea that we are all the same, were all human, no matter what. thats why my culture is rave culture. when i do go to raves, i go for a primary reason, the music. its all about the music for me.
i like alot of movies, too many to name
i dont watch a lot of TV, i try to read books so i can learn, alot of TV is just saturating, its meant to make u get lost in the plot of the show and forget yourself. its an escape, like a drug. i hate MTV and shit like that. i sometimes watch shows about UFOs. I like the show called "the universe" on the history channel, the cosmos, survivor man, cops. theres a new reality show on spike that follows the DEA, im lookin forward to that one.
best book i ever read changed my life forever gave me a new view on everything "the singularity is near" by Ray Kurzweil the author is a scientist he predicts future technologies in the book. in the future humans will transcend our biology. technology is part of the evolutionary chain. we evolved from one cell organisms and we created the technology. Technology is all natural. because we are all natural. in our lifetimes we will merge with our own technology. literally in the late 2020's poeple will stop dying. little nano-bots(robots one billionith of a meter in size) will run through the bloodstream repairing cells and making people look and feel however young they want. think about it, u die because ur heart fails, or ur arteries get clogged, or u get cancer, but what if tiny robots the size of cells could run all over ur body and fix everything. Basically our generation will be the first where a majority don't die for an indefinite period of time. we might possibly just live forever. the nano-bots will also upgrade people's brains . Imagine how intelligent an person could be with a semi digital brain. the book talks about A.I. according to the author in a short time A.I. will surpass organic intelligence(humans) when that happens technological advancments will come phemonally fast until now humans make inventions and advancments when A.I. starts making new inventions and advancments the rate of progress will be stunning in the next 100 years will advance more than we have in last 20,000 years the future is going to be awesome in ways no human can fully comprehend at this moment where will u be in 100 years? a 1000 years? 10,000 years? bill gates said that the author is "the best person i know at predicting the future of AI" i highly recommend this book! I cant wait to live forever! this shit is 4real! we live in a critical time in the history of intelligent life of this planet, that we face the almost certain possibility of immortality. shit is gonna be mad fuckin sick!!! as far as other books go, i love all the books by the dalai lama, my favorite of his is "the universe in a single atom"
buddha,the dalai lama, thich nhaht hahn, ghandi, Ray kurzweil,martin luther king, tim leary, hunter s. thompson, edwin hubble, neil armstrong, carl sagan, philip j. corso, jesse marcel, tom paine, benjamin franklin, henry A. wise(im a direct descendant of him he was a congressman, ambassador to brazil, govenor of Virginia, and a general he was man of progress) albert einstein, stephen hawking, wehrner von braun, teddy roosevelt, giovanni bruno, machavielli, jimi hendrix, jerry garcia, john belushi, che geuvera, henry the fowler.