The people who understand me, and can take me 2 the next levels. People who see the potential in me and the quoate un quoate genious that is in my mind when it comes 2 certain things.My personality is Komplex, as is my sarcasi., But with my every-second jokin' & Good lookz, it's very hard to not get addicted to me, lol!!!The people who hate me, love me the most!!HATERZZZ: If u think about it, One must've made 1 Hell uv an impact on their lives 4 them 2 conjure up all the time it takes thinkin on what new wayz u wanna, no, NEED 2 hate on me!!!HATERS KEEP ON HATIN!! Y'ALL MAKE ME STRONGER & YOUNGER!!! TOO MANY PEEPS LOVE & RESPECT ME CAUSE THEY REALLY KNOW ME, Y'ALL R JUST JEALOUS THAT YA AINT ALLOWED IN MY INNER CIRCLE!!