Hello! I'm Allie, a Personal Intuitive Advisor, and I am a descendant of the Rom gypsies of Transylvania as well as a writer, motivator with a thriving practice in Ohio. I'm blessed with the gifts of clairvoyance (seeing psychic visions), claircognizance (knowing facts without knowing how I received the information), clairaudience (hearing the voice of the Divine), energy/light healing, prophecy and the knack with communicating with my spirit guides and angels.
I have been doing readings since I was 10 - with the use of Tarot cards, Runes and Numerology as tools to keep my visions focused. Over the last several years I no longer need tools to help me focus - yet I still offer these methods as it helps people to feel more secure in the answers they receive from a "tangible" object.
I am self taught. I have been studying with Tarot cards, Runes and Numerology since I discovered my gift. Once I felt comfortable with my abilities - around age 20 - I started to let myself go and develop my psychic ability on it's own - this is when I met my first spirit guide. I've been helping my family and friends ever since.
My metaphysical advice column, Ask Allie, is in syndication in several online and offline publications.
I own a publishing company, Gypsy Girl Press (http://www.gypsygirlpress.net ). I'm on the last book in my "Gypsy Magic for the Soul" series:
"Gypsy Magic For The Lover's Soul" "Gypsy Magic For The Prosperity's Soul" "Gypsy Magic For The Family's Soul"And almost done with"Gypsy Magic For The Dreamer's Soul"
I am starting a new screenplay that incorporates gypsy life in with modern day problems. It's a thriller ahd I'd like to tell you more, but it needs to be finished first.
I have written 4 features, 2 shorts, many audio scripts and one TV show w/bible. The audio scripts and one short have been produced so far.
I'm available for articles, workshops, lectures or interviews on:
Psychic Abilities Soul Mates Energy Healing Stones/Crystals Tarot Numerology Runes Gypsy Lore Gypsy Culture/Family Life Gypsies And The Holocaust Magic - how to perform, write Spirit Guides/Guardian Angels Goal setting & Achieving Dream Travel Astral Travel Astral Sex Angels/Guides Elementals Ascended Masters
I am the co-founder of Whispers Media (http://www.WhispersMedia.com) , the first powerhouse aural sex publishing company that combines sass with romance, sex with passion. Many people have asked me - why did you get into erotica audio? Isn't that a huge departure from your psychic skills? The reason is simple: When you discuss sex with people, it always seems to come up that of course men love sex -- they're MEN! Well guess what? I'm a woman - I love sex and I want all women to love sex and not be ashamed for being satisfied! It's as simple as that. My wonderful co-founder on the other side of the pond, Ben Austin, and I have been working non-stop for most of this last year to bring to the world the very best in erotica audio. And before you ask - yes -- I did write many of the stories that you will find on our first four product lines. If you want to know which ones - drop me a line and I'll tell you.
I'm also the proud mom of a 6 year old son - along with 3 cats, 2 dogs and I hope soon - one horse!
I'm a hell of a cook. Honest, I am. I love to cook all types of food and can be very creative with my own dishes. However, I hate to clean. A Susie homemaker I'm not.
I'm a straight-forward person who hates liers, cheats and thiefs. If you ask me a question, I'll give you my honest answer and I do not beat around the bush. But I'm not insensitive either - I can tell someone the truth gently.
I do love to travel but you wouldn't know it by my blank passport. I'm feel just as home sleeping in a tent or under the stars as do a 5-star hotel with room service. I love adventure, but I am also a homebody - so with me you get a little bit of everything but not enough of anything to be annoying.
People find it hard to believe that I'm shy - but I am. However, once I get to know someone the shyness is over!
That's about it for now!
Take care, Allie;)