SeXi BaRbieâ„¢ profile picture

SeXi BaRbieâ„¢

Quit jocking my shit bitches, you KNOW who you are. You'll NEVER do it like me bitches, stop trying

About Me

Hi Everyone!! This is the REAL Sexi Barbie. =) I ONLY have this My Space account and that is IT. Any other profiles that you see of me on other websites are fakes. Anyway....I just want to say I LOVE YOU ALL....and Im not trying to be a bitch or stuck up when I don't respond. If I had time, I would love to respond to each and every comment. But just know that I am looking at them and smiling =) And I am not trying be a bitch when I dont respond to your messages but I only have time to RESPOND TO MY FRIENDS that I chill and hang out with. Know that I read and appreciate all your messages/comments. Thank you!! To all of you that put me on your Top friends, thank you so much!! It is much appreciated. Muaz To the assholes ....I am not on here to find some that I want to hook up with, so I don't respond to those of you that leave messages about how good you are in bed. Are you serious!?....I could really care less, and I just delete the message. Haterzzzz..I know you like to try to bring me down, but its NOT going to work. .... Do you HONESTLY believe that I give a fuck about your opinion? GOD..I hope not. And no, I am not going to e-mail ANYONE nude pics. Oh.. I am not a pornstar....UGH, thats fucking gross as hell. Whorrrreesss. Oh...and ALL you stupid, jealous bitches that talk shit in the letters that you leave me..
STOP being jeaalous, cause that is the ONE and ONLY reason to talk shit. Psh, you WISH you were me. Dont waste your breath sweetheart, I could give a fuck less. Gotta love the haters. Kisses to you all. If I got ten bitches hating on me, my goal is to have ten more by the end of the day =)
Anywaz....a little about me.... I grew up in the San Fernando Valley. I am Italian. I AM 23 YEARS OLD. I am naturally VERY petiite. I NEVER fact I take weight gaining supplements and I eat whatever I want whenever I want. (For all of those who ask in your messages what my "secert" is. I dont have a secert....I just got lucky with my genes I guess, as one guy put it, "I hit the genetic lottery"..LoL =) Seriously though, I honestly would never count calories, and never step on a scale. I never drink or eat "diet" ANYTHING. In fact,I try my hardest to gian weight. I am a total "live in the moment" kind of person. I figure you only have one life, so why not live it to the fullest. I like to live in the fast lane, its just more fun. I just do whatever I want to do, and I dont really give a fuck. Its just more fun that way. "If your not living life on the edge, then you are taking up too much space." :) Im the kind of girl that knows what I want, and I get it. I love the feel of an adrenaline rush. I don't like to take the path that everyone else walks on, I like to be the one that stands out. I am very impatient and I am very impulsive. Although I may seem stuck-up/bitchy, I really am not. I am a very nice, down to earth person. I love to just goof off and have fun. I am a comlete crazy ass. :p I always do things my way, and I always seem to learn my lessons the hard way. Thats the best way to learn though right? I have a really hard time trusting people because of past experiences. I DONT fucking trust ANYONE, especially if you have a dick =). Seriously though, I dont trust anyone, been fucked over too many times, so fuck that. I dont trust ANYONE but myself. I live by my own rules, and I don't care what anyone thinks about it. I am a TOTAL girlie girl. I change my hair like every month, whether it is the color or the style. It is an absolute neccesity that I am tan. Im addicted to it. I love to go shopping. It is like my therapy. I buy everything that I think is cute, from clothes, bags to accesories. This is why I try to avoid the mall. LoL. I love to chill at my house and blast music. What is it about music that just makes you feel better? I I IDIOLIZED her. I don't care what anyone says, before her "breakdown" she is what every girl wanted to be.
My personality is different than most girls, my man says that I am like "one of the guys". I might not look like one, but Im a little hardass =), Im not the emotionial, drama queen type. Sometimes I just need my space. I wont put up with ANY type of bullshit from a guy , and Im not afraid to tell you if you are annoying me or to get the fuck away from me. I am VERY picky with the guys that I date. They have to be cocky enough to catch my eye, but grounded enough to steal my heart. They have to exceed my expectations.
I am infatuated/obssesed with Eminem. Honestly, I am in love with him. I would die happy if I could meet him in person =)
I love chilling, drinking, partying , and clubbing with my friends. I don't really have very many girlfriends cause girls waste there time hating and being jealous. And its almost like, no matter what, they are competiting with you. Face it, most girls are evil whores that try to hit on your boyfriend the second they you are not around. Those bicth ass skanks can go to hell.
I love to go clubbing ,because I love to dance. Yeah, I am always the one that is a little outrageous. Especially with my outfit choice...;) Of course I like attention...what girl doesn' ;) I love drinking beer, but my favorite is cranberry and vodka. I will try anything once. I dont really have much else to say except, don't judge a book by its cover and don't let stereotypes fool you.

My Interests

.... " .. " .. " .. Chilling with Chuck Liddell after his victory to Ortiz at the MGM in Vegas....HELL YEAH!! =p .. " .. " .. " .. " .. " .. " .. .. " .. " .. " " .. " .. " .. " .. " .... "- I am NOT a slut - Im a bitch to guys - I'm not stuck up, just confident - My fav color is pink - I like tatoos on men - I like guys with big/toned arms - I can tell after talking to a guy for three minutes whether I'm going to like him or not - Im hard to fucking please - I have a twin sister (but we are complete opposites) and a wondeful younger brother - I am VERY petite (5'2") - I EAT A TON of food, and I HATE being called skinny - I have to be tan - I love hoop earrings - Imitation is the highest form of flattery....but don't copy me - I am very implusive - I just do whatever I want to do - If I want something, I get it - I am a total "live in the moment" person - I rarely think before I say or do things (not a good habit) - Im a night person - Im hard to handle - I am horrible with directions - I would rather watch a girl strip then a guy - I have five tatoos - The hottest thing a guy can wear is a white wifebeater and baggy dark denim jeans - I don't find overly buff guys attractive - Police uniforms = huge turn on - I have a tongue ring and I know how to use it..;) - Toe rings are hot - Pedicures are manditory - Eminem is BY FAR the hottest man on the planet. I have an unatural obssesion with him (I fanatize about him, I'm obssesed with him..I am, its scary....I want you Marshal) - Christina Aguilera is the hottest fucking chick on the planet - The best voice in the world belongs to Vin Diesel - I rather go out with girls than guys - I love to dance at clubs - Im a shopping queen - Im distracted by shiny objects - I love backward hats on guys - I love drinking beer - I Love the perfume by Paris Hilton. - I look better naked - I'm a sex bunni - My fav outfit is a black thong - I get sick of my clothes after a week and want new ones - My fav store is Hollister - I like watching pornos - I love to put on a strip show for a guy - I want big fake boobs like Pamela Anderson - Driving fast is hot - I have a fixed-up Eclipse, and I'll race you - My dream car is a shiny black corvette, I'll have one some day soon;) - 95 mph is my "65 mph" - If you are riding my ass, you SO better be pulling my hair - I have road rage - Earrings are sexy on guys - Bandanas are such a turn - on - Im a sucka for bad boys, god its such a turn on - I love to have music on ALL the time - I was TOTALLY obsessed with Britney Spears - I love modeling - If you got it..flaunt it - Your only young once, enjoy it while you can - I like guys that now how to fix everything - Nobody can tell me what to do - I hate rules and I never follow them - I'm picky - I dont give a fuck what you think - If your talking is just cause your jealous bitch!! - Dont talk shit to me, Ill talk shit back - If you don't like me..thats to bad for you - If I don't like'll know it - I hate the dark and spiders - I don't like seafood - I drink Ensure to try to gain weight - I dont get jealous when I see another hot turns me on - hating/jealous bitches dont bother me..they are immature - Stop being jealous....Confidence is sexy - I hate cheaters..if you don't want to be in a relationship don't put on a front like you do, immature losers. Fuck you, grow up. - FUCK all the players out there...get a life you man whores UGHHH - Don't try to run your lame ass fucking game on me guys, its NOT going to work - Guys who ride dirtbikes are hot - Streetbikes are hotttt - I like animals - I wanna be famous - I am the poster child for a good girl gone bad - Don't piss me off, Im Italian - Im a bitch when Im pissed - I can't always be good - Its ok to be long as you are not freaky with everyone on the block -umm, as a matter of fact, who the hell needs a man, I own batteries...=p

I'd like to meet:

.. "
And besides my babycakes....Ummm....EMINEM!!!!!!! ;) He is BY FAR the hottest guy on the planet. I FUCKING WANT HIM. I'm OBSSESED with him....100% obsessed






PARIS HILTON She is my Idol. I love her attitude and confidence. Who wouldnt want her life?? I but most of all Andrew and Eric are my hero's. Pwned by Andrew and Eric, feds, you know what to do.

My Blog

To The Fakers.....

To all the fake ass bitches..... BWAHAHAHAHAHA to all of you that I got deleted!!!! It sucks to be fake uhh?? Just know soon as I find a fake profile of me, it will be deleted. So you ...
Posted by *.*. SeXi BaRbie *.*. on Sat, 29 Jul 2006 06:21:00 PST

Lingerie Calender of Myself

Hey everyone I am thinking of making a full year lingerie calender of myself because so many people have been asking. Please respond to this blog or send me a message if your interested so I...
Posted by *.*. SeXi BaRbie *.*. on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 05:21:00 PST