Tani Delicious profile picture

Tani Delicious

....EiThEr U lOvE mE oR u HaTe Me....

About Me

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What you want to know about me, here you find. In my personal FAQ list

How big are you? How much do you weigh?This is a very good question.... My size variert according to sales height of my shoes between 1.65 and 1.77 m. I can do no statement my weight, because our scales are broken;-), in addition, a woman never betrays her weight! And if so, then she lies... How with the age also...

Which colour of eyes and which colour of hair do you have?I will have a look in the mirror... So, I also have eyes and hair... What I can say is that I am absolutely versatile... Almost like a chameleon (but I still cannot twist the eyes *DaMn*). If I have so really good mood, I can change externally so radically that me nobody recognises ... hehe I was blond sometimes with quite short hair, brown with quite long hair... Hmmm .... now it would be in the time for red hair, they fit so nicely to my radiant blue eyes ... arrrrr... At the moment I have thus my phase LARA CROFT.... Black hair and a sexy-hexy twisted horse's tail... Black dressed... Only the weapons are still absent.... How is your clothes style? Elegantly or rather sportily?Clothes do people that everybody knows.... If I want to strike, I am able to do this... But some people describe me like this:_______________________88888888888_____________ __________________888888888888888888888888_________ _______________8888OOO8888888888888888888888888_______ _____________8888OOOOOO8888888888888888888888888888________ ____________88OOOOOOOO888OOO8888888888888888888888888______ __________88888888OOOO8OOOOOOOOOOO88888888888888888888______ ________8888OO888888OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO88888888888888___ ___________88OOOO88888888OOOOmOOOOOOOOOO88888888888____ _________888888888888888888OMOOOOOOOOOOO8888888888888 ________88888888888888888888OOOOOOOOOOOOM88888888888888 ________8888888888888888888888OOOOOOOOOM8888888888888888 _________8888888888888888888888OOOOOOOM888888888888888888 ________8888888888888888OO88888OOOOOOM88888888888888888888 ______88888888888888888OOO88888OOOOOM888888888888888___8888 _____88888888888888888OOO88888OOOOMOO;o*M*o;888888888____88 ____88888888888888888OOO8888OOOOOMOOOOOOOOOOO88888888____8 ___88888888888888888OOOO88OOOOOOMO;OOOOOOOOOOO888888888 __8888888888888888888OOO8OOOOOOMOOaAaOOOOOOOOM8888888888____ ___8 __88___8888888888OO88OOOO8OOOOMOOOOOOOOOOOOO888888888888888_ 8888 _88__88888888888OOO8OOOOOOOOOMOOOOOOOOOO;OO88O88888888888888 888 _8__8888888888888OOOOOOOOOOOMOO"@@@@@@@"OOOO8w88888888888888 88 __88888888888O888OOOOOOOOOOMOOOOO"@a@"OOOOOM8i88888888888888 8 _8888888888OOOO88OOOOOOOOOM88OOOOOOOOOOOOOM88z88888888888888 888 8888888888OOOOO8OOOOOOOOOM88888OOOOOOOOOMM888!88888888888888 8888 888888888OOOOO8OOOOOOOOOM8888888MAmmmAMVMM888*88888888___888 88888 888888_MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM888888888OOOOOOOMM88888888888888___8 888888 8888___MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM88888888888OOOOOOMM888888888888888___ _88888 _888___MOOOOOOOOOOOOOM8888888888888MOOOOOmM888888888888888__ __8888 __888__MOOOOOOOOOOOOM8888O888888888888OOOOmOOMm88888888888__ _8888 ___88__MOOOOOOOOOOOO8888O88888888888888888OOOOOOMm888888___8 88 ___88__MOOOOOOOOOO8888MOO88888OO888888888888OOOOOOOMm88888__ __88 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______________________________MMOOOOOMOM ______________________________OMOOOOOOMO _____________________________MOMOOOOOOOM ____________________________MOOOMOOOOOOM ___________________________MOOOOMOOOOOOM __________________________MOOOOOMOOOOOOOM _________________________MOOOOOOMMOOOOOOOM _________________________MOOOOOOOMOOOOOOOOM _______________________________________________Are you pierced or tattooed Meanwhile one is something quite special if one has NO piercings or tattooes... Almost as well as an alien.... I belong to those which pay money for the fact that somebody decorates her body with metal. What should I say?!? I was young and had the money ... hehe... What do you make professional? Is it your dream job?I am a busy businesswoman ... yeah baby... DS empire model... Miss Universe and the most attractive woman of the world.... The world will soon belong to me if my empire is to be controlled largely enough the world.... MuHaHaHaHa... Nevertheless, a little sarkasm must be, or not?!Do you still live with your parents, flat share, or do you have own flat? I live in a gigantic villa with 14 butlers... A Lamborghini Gallardo stands also before the door. The job of the gardener is awarded to Raoul Gonzalez de José Marie What do you best do in your spare time? What are your hobbies? Oh God where I should only start there?...I am a dAnCiNg-QuEeN... ...Shake That AsS... I love it, do dance and in the disco to go, there one can celebrate there always so a lot of party ... and know?! And eat ... yummi if I think of it, get I hunger again... LeCkA... I collect with pleasure advertising gifts of tuning measuring... And it´s very, very helpful to be half naked ;-)and it works! "I-do-not-know-anything-about-cars-and-tuning-but-i-am-soooo o-cute" Some people call me a sponger, but this is just jealousy, because they don´t get anything *hEhE* Are you single or in a relationship? There are three men in my life without I can´t live... My friends which know me know what I mean ;-) .... hehe... What distinguishes you externally as well as in character and which qualities in you especially "need getting used to"? Silly, arrogant and haughtily, stupidly like straw, unimaginatively ... That´s NOT me.... Gets to know me, and I prove the opposite to you;-) the people who know me and have got to know me better know what I am talkin´about ;-) kiss... How does your dream partner look like? ¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸? JuStiN TiMbErLaKe ?¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯) baby, u got my numba...call me ;-)There are sooooo many hot´n sexy boys....But I found my sexy-hexy baby boy. DeNNiS BaBy, I LoVe U.... Which behaviour patterns of other people disturb you? Those who do not know, but they think to know about me. Just because they mean, my appearance corresponds to my character... I have got a kind of alter ego, to the outside I emit the strong, self-confident (almost from all as haughty and arrogantly misunderstood), but inside I am completely different.... This is such a kind " mask and wall " which is for the protection before intruders. Many do not understand this and call me a "BiTcH".But honestly said, I´m danm proud to be a BiTcH

My Interests

My interests are : Languages ( I speak german ( of course *hehe*), english, russian, and spanisch...other languages will follow ;-) I love travelling, good food, music, of course sex, drawing, cooking, parties and dancing, disco.... Music is my life...Music is my soul... ...to be continued...

I'd like to meet:

Here I would like to get to know with pleasure the nice people to whom one can talk about God and the world! To me it is no matter, whether men or women, European or Asian etc.... Central issue one can laugh together and just have fun gives so many people to whom I would talk with pleasure once....


oh God where I should start there only ...?!? My head is the purest video-tape library... I have seen in my life countless films, DVDs and videos which I do not have at all the view... , however, of course there are also films which I can see over and over again... Emotional films ..

, comedies etc.... And here a small extract from my personal favourite cunning: *Forrest Gump * *Shrek 1+2 * *The Green Mile * *White Chicks * more do not occur to me right away any more... These are, as said, simply too many . . but, the list is going to be continued...


I love cooking broadcastings.... Tim Mälzer ... he cooks always so tasty... It is a pity, that i can´t smell it :-( ..
Glitter Graphics
Myspace layouts SIMPSONS RULE!!! .. VIVA and MTV of course;-) and thus on...


Kafka has said once: " Read a book only if it bites you and scratches ... " sacrilege, Because Vinci code cookbooks ...*hehe* and many more headlines ='Myspace Graphics' .. ....


my absolute heroine and my big model is definitively my Mom! .. you has only brought up me and my brother after the separation. We were not always quite easy, I especially. But mummy has mastered everything! It was difficult for us everything, however, mummy has never lost her smile. Stefan and me have lacked nothing... We came first with her always, and sometime completely in the end she has also thought sometimes in herself. I believe, one understands only what the parents "suffer" if one himself has own children! At night I have them often cry heard, because of me... Then sometime I have thought that it cannot go on thus. . I have changed my behaviour that I mummy do not cry at night any more, but hears laughing... mummy, I wanted to thank only for everything what you have done for michund Stefan! You are the best and I love you endlessly! ..

My Blog

Woher komme ich?

Irgendwie liegt es in meiner Natur, dass ich alles wissen muss. Schon als Kind habe ich mein Spielzeug fein säuberlich in seine Bestandteile zerlegt, um genau zu wissen....Wie funktionierst Du komisch...
Posted by Tani Delicious on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 02:58:00 PST

Fitnesstudio, immer wieder ein Erlebnis ;-)

Nach zwei Kindern sitzt der Speck doch etwas fester auf den Hüften als ich gedacht habe.Okay, mein jüngster ist jetzt knapp 6 Wochen alt und ich habe meine alte Figur fast wieder zurück, aber ein biss...
Posted by Tani Delicious on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 11:44:00 PST