Profile GeneratorSludger and DJ N!ghty were both born in the west side of Holland. Sludger (Sietse Ludger Geertsema) was born in Zoetermeer and DJ N!ghty (Patrick Derichs) was born in the Hague.After moving up north they met each other to (nearly) be neighbours, to be in the same school and in the same year. Both had been making electronical music for a while and had taken lessons in playing an instrument, Sludger the piano and DJ N!ghty the keyboard.After making their first song, Inthrox, they found it to be fun making music together. They had also found out that they share interest in the same type of style. And thus they joined forces to fight the silence...
My Interests
Member Since: 9/6/2007
Band Members: SLudger
DJ N!ghty
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None