Y.A born Anthony Walton Jr. Jan 5, 1988 at Hurley Medical Hospital in Flint MI(Beecher) to Ramona Evans. Comin from a single parented home andGrowing up in the streetz of the City wasnt easy due to the violence andcrime. It was easy to adapt to the streetz and follow in the foot steps ofwrong doings. Outside of the streetz Basketball is what kept my head level.Dont get it confused I dont Rap I think of it as more of putting my life storyon th lines. I started to develope the love for the Art at age 11 from justspitten through out the school and rocken talent shows. Now 20yrs old itsmore than music its reality. Right now I wanna take this time and thank myMama, Granny&Grandad, My 2 brothers, My sister, and all my niggaz whostuck it out wit the boy. Most importantly I thank the man above for evengiven me the gift to transform my life into a Rhythm and Lyrics. I do this forthe MITTEN so Flint City im bringen it home BUC TOWN Salute.