Domé"I come with Instructions" profile picture

Domé"I come with Instructions"

Who you callin' Boy? the names HandBanana!

About Me

Iam: NOT "cool" "hip" or "trendy" by anyones standards but my own. I do what I think is "cool"
IAM: Avoident of people. I don't think im better than you. Im just not comfortable to social I tend to go out of my way to avoid them all together.And guess what? Im actually pretty happy...
I AM : NOT a typical "girl" Im not afraid to pick up road kill, or clean shit out of a toilet at work. Im not scared to stick my hand into a glob of mystery goo.
I watch Full House like its still 1991
I like the price is right.
IAM : a painter. I also draw. I also smear colour pastels and oil pastels. I love to draw/paint pictures of celebrities who i admire, or just find really attractive.
This Just in : I have the best boyfriend ever and i love him very much! so neener!
ALRIGHT EVERYONE! ANOTHER VIDEO TO ENJOY! THis is what bordum creates! More Compilation Videos SOON im sure!!
IAM : NOT : Gay!!! but very flattered when people stalk me
I LOVE to Quote People...because It makes me Laugh
Obligatory gay Miqueal quote: "how can you be fat and a fire man? Your saposed to go into burning buildings, and your shiney mustles are saposed to shield you from the fire!"
Obligatory Devin quote: "your daughter could have died 10 mins ago, but if you smoked weed, it makes everything happy"
Obligatory Judah quote: "i have a boat too, but its called the "U.S.S. tits and ass"
Obligatory Shaggy quote: "i love girls...i cry when ever they aren't around"
Obligatory Empire quote: "wait...there are morals on the internet?"
Obligatory Richard quote: "..i just have to picture naked grandmas and dead dogs"
Obligatory Richard quote: "..AH we shoulda went to the damn damnit!"
Obligatory Richard quote: "..Stoooop! im eating granola!"
Obligatory Richard quote: " i was noticeing that you took my icecream bowl away. i have mixed emotions about that . im glad that its gone ,but i also need it to get anouther bowl of ice cream." Obligatory Richard quote: "Mayonaise? no problem with these thumbs!"
Obligatory Snoop quote: "Watch out for that poop Richard!" Obligatory Jay quote: "All those girls' butts bounceing...thats why I don't go to the mall anymore"
Obligatory Jay quote: "Arrr what have we here?! a Deuce! what a find! still cold she be!"
Obligatory Jay quote: "eat more...make the foopa BIGGER!"
Obligatory Matt quote: " hold the boobies"
Obligatory Matt quote: "Can i tickle your foot...? will you let me?"
Obligatory Matt quote: "IM sorry I took so long in the drunk ok?!"
Obligatory Matt quote: "I have fish and they are mine and they are my pets!!!"
Obligatory Robbin quote: "remember that time we got real bored and burned notecards in my back yard..or when we huddled next to the dryer vent to smoke that bowl in the freezing cold...haha..ha"
Obligatory Jess Margera Quote: "my album will fucking kill your face! "
Obligatory Jess Margera Quote: "a real rock band is a band with good guitar riffs that you can drink beer to."

My Interests

being Online
car rides
bad pr0n
colourin books
b&w Photography
Sitting around
Random Stuff man!
pooping is fun too
Wal mart
someone outside my macroeconomics class screamed "hey, eat my ass" everyone heard him and then everybody laughed. except the deaf kid.

I'd like to meet:

Myself if I grew up in the 70's.

Everyone Loves Ron Slater!!

"you couldn't take over a damn bowl of jello!"


I like music. music = awesome. Ill listen to a lot of everything...just not most new music..because it all blows dogs for quarters.
but to be super cool like everyone else, here are some of my favs.
CKY , Rasputina , Travis , David Bowie , Bjork , KMFDM , Rammstein , the Misfits, Transplants , Queens of the Stone Age , Ass Poneys , Beck ,Depeche mode ,THE DETROIT COBRAS!!!,Janes Addiction, Orgy , Alice in Chains, Moist Boyz , Lemon Jelly , Prince , Nine Inch Nails , ECC , Malevolent Creation , The Tea Party , HIM , Garbage , Local H , MSI , Radiohead , U.N.K.L.E , etc etc etc etc etc.


Cky Land Speed
CKY Documentry
A Clockwork Orange
Sleep Away Camp 1,2,3
Lock Stock and 2 smoking barrels
Pulp Fiction
Kill Bill
School of Rock
Dazed and Confused
Ghost World
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Black Circle Boys
Lord of the Rings
Mean Machine
Full Metal jacket
The People Under the Stairs
Taxi Driver
Naploean Dynamite
Shaun of the Dead!
I have a thing for cheesy LIFETIME movies too...


Aqua Teen hunger Force
Mission Hill
Home Movies
Family Guy
King of Queens
Late night With Conan O'Brien
The Chappelle Show
True Life

South Park
The Critic
Full house (shut up)
And shit...there is more


I really should
I was always jealous of the Kids who would read mounds and mounds of books. My attention span was NOT made for reading.


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My Blog

So pissed about eggs, I forgot bug out!

Oh yea. I was too busy being pissed of earlyer I forgot to recap on Bug Out 62. Lets see... Me, Richard Weisner and Justin left around 9am-ish. Speeding pretty much the entire way. Around Fredricksbur...
Posted by Domé"I come with Instructions" on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 04:08:00 PST

Bug out 62 is almost here...

Man...Another bug out! Pretty much my favorite time of the year! A nice car ride, a new around any and almost every corner! Richard was talking about it maybe...leaving early on satu...
Posted by Domé"I come with Instructions" on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 07:32:00 PST

<3 <3 <--i got some of that

Yea. I love this new scedual of life that i have. No more classes. Work  Monday-Friday..and have the entire weekend to spend with my dood. I love it. I don't use up all my gas like i use to (driv...
Posted by Domé"I come with Instructions" on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 02:46:00 PST

<3 <3 <--i got some of that

Yea. I love this new scedual of life that i have. No more classes. Work  Monday-Friday..and have the entire weekend to spend with my dood. I love it. I don't use up all my gas like i use to (driv...
Posted by Domé"I come with Instructions" on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 02:47:00 PST

the daily grind

UUUGH Well, I got off work 30 mins early today. I don't if thats because we didn't have as many boxes, or we just worked I lost like...8 lbs in 2 days from the work and sweat. I drink mor...
Posted by Domé"I come with Instructions" on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 05:14:00 PST

back to the work week

Well! Today I go to work for my NEW HIRE Orientation! Exciteing! can you feel it? I can. But i im not feeling the idea of having to get up at 6am today. I just hope I don't have to watch those stupid ...
Posted by Domé"I come with Instructions" on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 04:17:00 PST

Jog on ya tosser!

Just got finished watching ' Hot Fuzz' Pretty funny. Even MORE funny if you are into Brit humor, or just British things in general. I think there were some jokes that Richard and Matt didn't get that...
Posted by Domé"I come with Instructions" on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 07:41:00 PST

Its running!

Richard got the GTI running again! Turns out he fried the hall sender, so he had to special order a new one. And now its running! running good when its cool, but when it starts to heat up we have a ne...
Posted by Domé"I come with Instructions" on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 12:52:00 PST

2 more strange dreams

Well I had some more dreams last night. The first one was super real and could have swore it was happening. It was 10pm and I had called Richard to see how his car was doing, and he told me he was abo...
Posted by Domé"I come with Instructions" on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 06:10:00 PST

So I need to go on another diet...

Yea. Im tired of being in the 155lbs range. It was fun for a while, but Now i think I need to move on to something...lighter? For anyone who knew me back in middle/high school....i was a fat kid. almo...
Posted by Domé"I come with Instructions" on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 09:12:00 PST