riding my bike (which is broken...can someone fix it?) (edit...i got a new one finally and it sparkles) / reading / sleeping / coffee / cereal / cake / sunshine / photo booths / bike polo / high-fives that make my hands hurt / new places / all-you-can-drink -brunch / exploring / sealand (www.sealandgov.com) / long fun dinners / good conversation / yer maaaa / LOST / playing pool / jager / remembering what i did last night / and good conversation (worth repeating)
oh...and fun, i like fun.
someone who will go far, far away with me.and the guy who makes these:
the magnetic fields made 69 songs all about love...68 are awesome...1 i can do without.
and, just in case you didn't know, it's the 20th anniversary of Bon Jovi's "Slippery When Wet"
who wants to go to the show? there's about 10 of them in early november, which also happens to be right before my birthday. just sayin'....
the last unicorn
i can't miss LOST...ever. and if i had cable, i'd watch metalocalypse.
the scrabble dictionary...it's unbelievable how much you can learn just by reading the "Q" section.
i find that as soon as i put someone on a pedestal, they immediately find a way to disappoint me.