NYC,skateboarding,sleeping,eating,bathing in bubbles,kissing,candles,the sky,vagina,the stars,imagining,getting lost,getting found,spinning records, rocking out,laughing, fun, enjoying, learning, loving, cherry blossoms, humming birds,breathing,sharing,sexin,staring,being....
nice people ..people who aren't full of IT, people who make me laugh.
hot chip, the knife, house of love, joy division, new order, pj harvey, motown, oldies but goodies, ellen allien, rod stewart, neil young, neil diamond, patti smith, kate bush, laurie anderson, yacht,talking heads, magnetic fields, noll,the blow,beatles, stones, chi lites,delfonics,old cher, old mexican music, Justin Timberlake,J-5, dr- dre, snoop, Daft PUnk,fleshtone,fleetwood mac, tom tom club, electralane,emmy lou harris,grace jones, devo, emmy lou harris, Johnny Cash, Aretha, Roberta Flack, soft cell, tears for fear,early motley crew,dead prez,, 2Pac, laid back,super disco hits, lkn, soooo much music.
funny films. Documentary films.
Amazing race is my favorite,The Office..American one, globe trekker (any travel shows really) top model,wife swap, L-word...duh
Ruby Fruit Jungle,Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, Memoirs of a Geisha, Poopin on the Road,Naked,Sellivision, Color Purple, iNTO THE WILD, photography books, hookers for dummies