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frequency TSJ

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About Me

Snowboarding’s original coffee-table journal, frequency TSJ publishes four editions per year in limited quantities. Covering snowboarding's global travel, landscapes, and personalities, frequency TSJ is snowboarding's true voice. Check out frequency TSJ’s feature DVD "funny feelings" , available only to subscribers and FREE with each subscription. More than a magazine, our snowboard journal is the first of its kind, and the only snowboard publication in the world to utilize truly high-end printing.
Cover price is $12.95(US), with a basic subscription rate of $39.99(US) for four books and a frequency TSJ DVD. frequency TSJ's quality paper, cover stock, and award-winning printing and photography create permanent value. 9x11 inches, full-color, with limited advertising.
SUBSCRIBE and join the freq family.
frequency is available at your local snowboard shop, REI, major newstands and top Booksellers (i.e. Barnes and Nobles, Borders, Chapters)

My Interests

Skinny skiing, bullfights on acid, tying on ties, backside stale fish 180’s, biodeisel, digital color curves, spring mogul contests, post-publication meditations, 22 degrees and 22 inches of new, jazz hands, funky cold medina, livin’ after midnight.

I'd like to meet:

Rimbaud, Dick Van Patten, Kellis. Honorable Mentions include: Wendy O. Williams, Bill “The Spaceman” Lee, and ALF. And Allan Iverson.


Funkadellic, Venom, Cut Chemist, Public Enemy, The Who, King Tubby, Husker Du, Guiness and The Reparations, Blue Rodeo, Joe Walsh, Scott Sullivan, Bob Log III, Candy Coated, The Melvins, Willie Nelson, Trouble, Mastadon, Patti Labelle.


Grizzly Man, Fletch Lives, Rueben and Ed, The Walrus Dreams, Tron, Blue Velvet, The Incredible Journey, Quadraphenia, Skatopia, Pale Rider, The Garden, Koyanisquatsi, Funny Feelings.


Totally dropped into the lowest-end Comcast package available. The Red Green Show, West Wing, Wok with Yan, Pro Rodeo, TRL, The Simpsons, The ‘Shop, American Choppers, BASS Master pro fishing tourneys.


Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey, Car by Harry Crews, Short Stories by Breece d’J Pancake, Desolation Angles by Jack Kerouac, Curse of Lono by Hunter S. Thompson, Gun Dog by Richard Wolters, River Teeth by David James Duncan, To Have and to Have Not by Ernest Hemmingway, Cruel Shoes by Steve Martin.


Sean Genovese, Agent X, Underdog, Howard Zinn, Terje Haakonsen, Bode Miller, and Jessie Lu Lovett.

My Blog

frequency TSJ: 5.4 Hardbound Upgrade

Dear friends of frequency TSJ, First, thank you for your continued stoke. frequency TSJ is a reader-supported community of devoted riders, and our readers are our lifeblood. You rule. To celebrate the...
Posted by frequency TSJ on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 04:57:00 PST

Blog Entry 4: freq Report Summer 06

Ah summertime: the relentless rattle of a small air conditioner, daylight until 10 pm, alpine trout fishing, Mt. Hood trips, and the endless barbeque. Things remain busy and solid here at the funny fe...
Posted by frequency TSJ on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 05:40:00 PST

Blog Entry 3: frequency TSJ web launch

  Mt. Baker, Peoples Republic of Cascadia - frequency The Snowboarders Journal launches our new website,  . Featuring contributor blogs, issue reviews with...
Posted by frequency TSJ on Wed, 24 May 2006 06:10:00 PST

Blog Entry 2: Dropping into final production on the new issue

Dropping into final production on the new issue, Baker's been firing with over 200" up top. Laing just got back from Europe on a mission with Think Thank and co., and hitting up Slovakia with Marcel j...
Posted by frequency TSJ on Fri, 03 Mar 2006 03:58:00 PST

Blog Entry 1: We're totally shredding the air conditioning

Were totally shredding the air condition in a gnarly manner here in August at the Funny Feelings LLC campus. Since the addition of the health spa on the lower section of the compound, things have rea...
Posted by frequency TSJ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST