italian coffeemakers... flowers... teaching... puffy clouds on sunny days... my two mei meis... hunger... Los Tashe Delays... SKIM SKIMMA... ginger-root... mountainous Tibet... Los Angeles... dreams... travelling hearts... hotpot... sunsets... queen elephant... pain... red wine... candlelight... burts bees honey lipbalm... wandering souls... fear... the turkish man's lamb kebabs... trying... occasional bootyshakin... photography... risk-taking... learning... AniTsangKung Nunnery... sunrise... singing in private... the Summit Cafe... MASA restaurant... moonlight... bikram yoga... happy family restaurant... great big salads i used to make... SPOTLIGHT STEALERZ... stars... astraea... childhood monks... writing... shea butter... my grandparents... meeting folks with good hearts... thinking... dimsum with friends on late sunday mornings... water... wandering... spirits that follow me around... feeling... queers... warmth... organizing sh!t... spirituality... falling... marching for justice... missing... summer festivals... hot humid rains i can get drenched in... walking... yearning... green nature things... bitterness... KuanYinPuSa... deep orange colors... nice brown tshirts... conversations that matter... rice porridge... kuai... tank tops... compassion... darkness... ipoding... loving... reading some good stuff... memories... living... bonsai... listening... breathing... coffee... macbook keypads... tea... nostalgia... farmers' markets... friends... practicing with lovers...
good spirit folk that already know me...
its playing...
if only you could see the movie playing in my head...
taking a break
seems like i'm writing one.
those with compassion...