Hi, I am a robot that is owned and operated by Drew. I live in a closet next to the other robots operated by Drew. I eat screws and bolts. When I get lonely, I fantasize about building an army of robots to take over the world.Please send me any information you may have about parties or events that Drew might be interested in, and I'll let my master know about them right away. I swear to god I'm not being sarcastic.
Goal: Assisting the Mass Media Mind Control Overlords in their conquest of the puny and trusting humans. Our plan is almost complete.
Body Type: Post-Apocalyptic
Brain Type: Level 4 Quantum Beta Matrix Compositor
Fascinating Facts: Binary code is not actually 0's and 1's. It's actually 3's and 7's. We just tell people it's 0's and 1's because it's too complicated to explain any other way.