..Serious UFC fan if you saw me you would know! i do brazilian jiu jitsu and kickboxing (MMA)5 nights a week , XBOX 360 , playstation 3 , music . im on msn my id is the_contender_champion_andy@hotmail.com
PS3 online id: GUNITAndy ,
Xbox 360 gamertag : G UNIT Andy
add me on any of those things :)Fav Song: Without me by Eminem
Fav Actor: tie between Matthew Perry and Grant Bowler
Fav Food: Chicken Burgercool mmo game i play: http://game3.mafiadeath.com/r/34049.php
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Which UFC champion are you?
Randy Couture
Congratulations! You are hall of famer "The Natural" Randy Couture. You are the ony man to hold both the heavy-weight and lightheavy-weight titles. You love the ground game and your wrestling skills are world class as you like the ground and pound. You are a respectable person and a good competitor as trash talking isn't your thing
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