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'If heaven had a role to play...'

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Dario in Italy.
19-05-2008 - Ahh, so what has been happening with us? Well we got asked to play a gig at the Q Club, which is the Inifinity Festival with Bloc Party et al, but we got confused about the dates, so we couldn't do it...would have been nice. Think i'm going anyway. I believe it's open for students from the 3 universities in Birmingham.
So yeah in June we're hoping to have an acoustic session, which we will hopefully be releasing on here for you. Oh yeah, and it will be for Free. This will include songs we have been working on; ones you haven't heard yet. So when you get it, you'll have to let us know which ones tickle your taste buds. Maybe 'Someone Knows' will be recorded aswell.
We're also organising a photoshoot...the ones we have on here are just plain, wrinkly OLD. Ahh yeah, and just organising some gigs, sending off press packs (poor homemade ones) to promoters. Local of course. I've uploaded the first recording we had of 'Data Forms', recorded instrumentally live and then Adam did the po-po-polishing off. It made me laugh because it's about 4 years old, so you can have it. Ciao.
Pitch, Me, Russell.
12-05-2008 - So yesterday was sweaty. What is it with the weather recently?...i can't complain to be honest because i moan when it's too cold. So we went to the last ever gig at the Jug of Ale last night, which had some great acts and the pub was ironically the most packed it's ever been. Russell and Ed from Editors were guest DJ's downstairs, so we got talking to them about crap really; nice guys though.
We didn't find out whether our gig has been moved as of yet, but we should do soon...ish. I was thinking last night where it would be nice to play, so if you have any thoughts, drop us a comment. Obviously everyone seems to play London, but it would be quite nice playing some places people don't all the time play.
We're also trying to get some recording sessions once again, try and get some new songs actually on here, considering the last new song was actually an old song but re-recorded. Cheating really. Isn't it? It's hot outside, im going to juice up in some Vitamin D - you ought to aswell.
Surprise, Adam and I.
06-05-2008 - So i thought that i would start this blog, actually make this page more interesting...hopefully. It's just past 6pm, absolutely scorching outside; nice and ermm sweaty. If you haven't noticed, but our proposed 1st gig of this year has been cancelled, due to the venue actually being closed down. It's a shame, because we have played there a few times before and it's cosy. Anyway, there is a farewell show this Sunday there with apparent Guest DJ's Editors. Needless to say i'll be there.
The photo? Because it's a surprise from a birthday party that was thrown nearly a couple of years back now. The relevance i have forgotten now, but there was one, i'm sure there was. So now we're just waiting to see whether our gig gets moved to another date, so we'll let you know as soon as we do...if you were interested in seeing us live anyways.
Come home Adam so we can jam, jam stain, wham bam jam. Oooo yeah, we have a new song; sounds like a nun, just like one: lovely. So we want to play it to you, but we'll have to wait longer, or hopefully not as long if we get a gig at Panic! Until then i'm going to interview Johnny Flynn at the Glee Club on Thursday for the newspaper, should be nice. He likes nature.
Promotional Video
Done it All Before
Thanks for showing your interest. We're a quartet from Birmingham, UK who have been together for a few years now. We do what makes us feel happy, either way it is still a giant work in progress for us, so if you like our stuff now, hopefully you might like us a little more in the coming years. We run this Myspace personally, so it would be great to hear your opinions.
Come and have a chat.

We currently manage ourselves - for bookings, contact [email protected]

"Madonna" live
Rundown - Madonna

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Member Since: 8/2/2005
Band Members: Click us.

Adam - Vocals/Guitars

Thomas - Guitars/Vocals

Dario - Drum/Beats

Mitch - Bass Guitar
...Van Damme

Influences: Collective influences include Adam, Thomas, Dario, Mitchell, The Smiths, The Cure, U2, Phoenix, Tiger Bill and many more...

Sounds Like: Rambo, John McClane, Ray Mears, Zorro, Shaft and Jack Bauer having a fistfight.
Type of Label: None

My Blog

First Blog? Wow.

Hmm, its early Friday morning, and i'm in a restless mood, so I thought this would be appropriate. Can't go wrong with lack of sleep and a bit of deep music! So, Rundown are home for the holidays! Its...
Posted by Rundown on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 05:17:00 PST