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s'all gravy innit

About Me

SARA: the most amazing person on the face of the earth. she is loved by all. songs are made after her. she is a god! thats right, a god. she owns you all.hummm... ridiculously fickle, but relentlessly faithful. Excellent taste in music. A voice made for radio and sex chat lines. Will probably die at 47 in a car crash on the M57. She was too busy concentrating on changing the radio station and drove into the back of a blue lorry. Used to be a top class swimmer, although now is afraid of water and reservoirs make her come over all peculiar. Has three cats, none of whom she likes. Can't stand rejection. Paying bills has a weird effect on her abandonment issues. Bad Mother. Nice hair.

My Interests

ipodding, musicing, driving, travelling, reading, other things ending in 'ing' and bossiness. oh, and learn'ing' how to play the guitar. When I actually get one :)
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I'd like to meet:

** to all my boyfriends; past, present and future. I love you. I miss you. I hate you. I want my money back. ** in an ideal world, the best boy would have the following: no hidden mental problems, excellent taste in music, all of his own teeth. A like of cats/coffee/babies. A variable interest rate. an understanding that the best girl is disgustingly high maintenance and will probably never be a skinny bitch in some hotpants - no matter how much chocolate she forgoes.
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loud stuff, lots of rough, mellow vibes, kickass lies, love days, fast ways, lyrical rants, dancing pants, hot fuss, last bus, same jeans, jumping beans, beats, mean feats and deceits. that, this and everything in between.
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If you look far enough under my bed, there may be a few well thumbed Anais Nin novels... Pervy. If you look even further under you will find a hidden and, as yet, untapped archive of teenage poetry, rants and musings from the alumni of Marshall Street.


My mum - cos she rocks, and was totally awesome at the whole single mother thing. Plus she now has fantastic hair. I love her much. My Vik - she keeps me sane, helps me clean my house and picks me up when I fall. My Moo - my baby girl who puts up with my mental moments, reminds me when I am being a fascist and regularly tells me that she will not succumb to my brainwashing. Baines - my ickle punkkid, who has a penchant for Johnny Thunders, The Slits and... erm... Steps.

My Blog

hear the anthems of the pepsi generation, see the martyrs of our spiritual degradation

last night was slightly crazy. I apologise to those who got the brunt of it. It's never pretty. However, my new hair is. And I managed to dye it all by myself! (i don't know why I am making out this i...
Posted by saramateeni on Thu, 03 May 2007 01:43:00 PST

you know you drive me up the wall, I need to see your face that's all

oh it's all coming over slightly musical. Damien Rice has reduced me to hysterical madness and I have been annoying everyone for the last hour. The dryer is making a funny noise I suspect my postman i...
Posted by saramateeni on Thu, 03 May 2007 03:07:00 PST

birds can fly so high or they can shit on your head

Again, the panic attack on the way to work, feeling literally sick as I walk in the door. Wanting to cry my head off. But not doing. And when telling my manager that I have to have time off and she sa...
Posted by saramateeni on Wed, 02 May 2007 04:40:00 PST

poetry has no place for a heart that's a whore

i have absolutely no idea what that means, but Martha Wainwright says it so it must be true. I love the way she says 'whore'. It's great. Anyway, after the crazy nurse took lots of my blood and left m...
Posted by saramateeni on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 03:17:00 PST

The Pinz's Random Music Quizola

Directions: Put your Windows Media Player/Winamp/iPod on random, and write down the songs that come up. No cheating!---How does the world see me?Song: EmotionArtist: Destiny's ChildComment: About righ...
Posted by saramateeni on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 03:28:00 PST

*wailing and gnashing of teeth*

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas,But what if it don't?What happens in my head stays in my head,But sometimes it won't.What if you knew what I was thinking?Would it make you like "Whoa!"?I don't wa...
Posted by saramateeni on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 01:51:00 PST

Yay! I'm not Crazy

okay, so for the last few years I have felt beyond pants. I feel shattered all the time, getting out of bed is a massive effort, getting to sleep is a massive effort (hence the typing on the computer ...
Posted by saramateeni on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 03:53:00 PST


it was always going to be a sucky week. but today it got even more suckier than usual. because, even though I knew my granddad was ill, I never realised he was this ill. because he is really ill. I kn...
Posted by saramateeni on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 03:02:00 PST

soulmates and limerence

..> soulmate Noun, alternate definition. A word often applied to the elusive love of a person's life; the one who got away - soulmate is what a love-er calls the love-ee when the love-er is st...
Posted by saramateeni on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 12:28:00 PST

he said 'i love you', i sneezed and said 'I'm allergic to bullshit'.

everytime I watch it I love it more. I think it might be the Kate/Carrey combo, but more than that it might be the complete genius of a storyline. If you haven't watched it, i truly recommend it. &nbs...
Posted by saramateeni on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 02:35:00 PST