stefamphetamine. profile picture


Arrive. Raise Hell. Leave.

About Me

one photo

Nikki Sixx, Butch Walker, Tommy Lee
"you are such an 80s buttrocker" ~ lacey.
I’m Stefanie Jane. I'm a Student Nurse. I laugh a lot. I smile a lot. Easily amused. Easily pleased. Easily amazed. I love music more then I could ever put into words. Paul Stanley is my biggest hero. Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee and Butch Walker are legends. CKY had a big impact on my life. I love seeing bands play live. I can play the flute. I play classical/electric/acoustic guitar. I’ve got obsessions. I think too much. Sometimes I don’t think enough. I am extremely forgetful, yet I manage to remember a lot of things. I get confused easily. I want to live in America. I wish I lived in Neverland.
I have the whole alphabet in orange Smarties lids.
I have an amazing Motley Crue buddy called Emma =P So amazing, we are sharing the Terror Twins - now that's love!!
"Don't let your cool stand in the way of being soulful. Life is too short. Too short to hate. Too short to judge. Too short not to live for. Don't let anything or anyone get the best of you or your heart and mind. If you are going down... go down swinging, singing, and loving." ~ Butch Walker
check out these BANDS;
Terror Twins = ♥

My Interests

Things I Like:

* music
* films
* gigs
* reading
* guitar
* vinyls
* white wine
* being in a car
* playstation 2
* mountains
* snow
* outdoors
* Sirrus
* christmas
* getting post
* bowling
* ice skating
* belts
* collecting random stuff
* camden
* san francisco
* las vegas
* rollercoasters
* having a laugh
* being silly
* fireworks
* cowboys
* pirates
* band merch
* ben&jerry's
* meeting new people
* McDonalds double cheeseburgers
* thunderstorms
* the smell of petrol
* reading obituaries
* touching things
* chewing pens

Things i don't like:

* shopping
* my birthday
* clowns
* ungreatful people
* moths
* daddy long legs
* nuts
* fish
* flowers
* parties [they make me nervous]

courtesy of my big terror twin!

I'd like to meet:

Johnny Depp, Tim Burton, Adam Sandler, Deron Miller, Jess Margera, Chad Ginsburg, Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee, Butch Walker, Dean and Gene Ween, Ben Stiller, Steven Tyler, Dave Navarro, Russell Brand, Joe Satriani, Paul Stanley, Ace Frehley and my uncle Ian in New Zealand.

My Comment Box
Talk to me, Talk to me, All i want is a little conversation.....

View/Edit All All of My Comments


Gilby Clarke
Tommy Lee
Jonny Amos
Elvis Costello
Big and Rich
Red Hot Chili Peppers
The Panic Channel
Led Zeppelin
Black Sabbath
The Who
Judas Priest
Rudy & Blitz
Sigur Ros
Blink 182
Marvelous 3
Pink Floyd
Johnny Cash
Def Leppard
LA Guns
Neil Young
Brides of Destruction
Son of a Gun
Jena Kraus
Jane's Addiction
Fireball Ministry
The Answer
Bullets and Octane
Tattooed Millionaires
Imperial Vipers
Trashlight Vision
The Academy Is...
Kid Ego

Fave music DVDs
WEEN: Live in Chicago
Butch Walker: Live At Budokan
Kiss Symphony
Motley Crue: Carnival of Sins


Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Garden State
Talladega Nights
The Chronicles of Narnia
Corpse Bride
What's Eating Gilbert Grape
The Ringer
The 40 Year Old Virgin
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Billy Madison
Big Daddy
The Longest Yard
Edward Scissorhands
Jackass the movie
Jackass 2
Secret Window
Ed Wood
Finding Neverland
Best In Show
CKY dvd's
The Green Mile
Lord of the Rings trilogy
School of Rock
Big Fish
Sleepy Hollow
Finding Nemo
101 Dalmations
The Corpse Bride
Red Star Rebels video's
The Cable Guy
Liar Liar
Meet The Parents
Meet The Fockers
Bruce Almighty
Gone In Sixty Seconds
The Fast and the Furious
Harry Potter films
A Mighty Wind
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Lion King
Spongebob Squarepants movie
Oceans 11


Desperate Housewives
Ugly Betty
Red Dwarf
Malcom In The Middle
Nevermind the Buzzcocks
Viva La Bam


Currently Reading:
* Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers ~ Mary Roach
* Scar Tissue ~ Anthony Kiedis

* TommyLand ~ Tommy Lee
* The Dirt ~ Motley Crue
* The Woman Who Walked Into Doors ~ Roddy Doyle
* Lord of the Rings
* The Hobbit
* Where Rainbows End ~ Cecelia Ahern
* Jaqueline Wilson books
* Atlases

* Classic Rock
* Guitar One


Paul Stanley
Ace Frehley
Butch Walker
Deron Miller
Chad I. Ginsburg
Tommy Lee
Nikki Sixx

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My Blog

Liverpooooool trip.

I started to talking to Emm back last year sometime [I don't remember exactly when], and we ended up meeting each other at Monsters of Rock in June 2006 [such an awesome day!], and then she invited me...
Posted by titch rebel. on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 09:31:00 PST

LA GUNS @ JB's, Dudley [Jan. 19th 2007]

so last night, i went to JB's in Dudley to see LA GUNS, Red Star Rebels and JackViper with Laura and my Dad. we left like 4:45pm-ish, drove there [which took longer then i thought it would],...
Posted by titch rebel. on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 04:34:00 PST

LA GUNS w/ Red Star Rebels & JackViper @ The Pitz, MK [jan. 17th '07]

So i got there about 7:10pm-ish, started drinking.....and who'd have thought that a double vodka and lemonade would be so expensive! haha anyhow, so yea, basically i just drank! Chatted to some people...
Posted by titch rebel. on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 03:26:00 PST

Meany, Titch & Foxy went bowl bowl.

I FUCKING LOVE MEANY'S CAR!!! I had to start with that before I forget to mention it because I'll be like "I won't write much" but then I end up typing a shit load, which people won't want to read but...
Posted by titch rebel. on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 12:31:00 PST

oh my.

i just had a random "oh my god" thought. it's actually 2007 now. this means... i'm gonna be a nurse this year. well not a qualified nurse [that'll be in 3 years, hopefully, if i pass]. but shit, i'm g...
Posted by titch rebel. on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 03:45:00 PST

PHOTO'S: Red Star Rebels @ The Wheatsheaf.

Okay, so here's some of the pictures taken on friday night at The Wheatsheaf. All pictures of the band were taken by my dad [martin], so credit goes to him and not me. I'll start with pics of me and p...
Posted by titch rebel. on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 04:24:00 PST

Red Star Rebels @ The Wheatsheaf (dec. 29th '06)

Note before reading: Stevie = Steve as in rebels drummer steve. Steve = steve as in steve. Stotfold Steve = steve as in steve but the one from stotfold Yes...there are a lot steve's out in the world, ...
Posted by titch rebel. on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 02:58:00 PST

IRON MAIDEN @ Earls Court (dec. 22nd '06)

IRON MAIDEN w/ Trivium. So, the day started with me getting a hair cut. Which is a whole story on it's own, but i won't go there now. We then walked to the train station, got a train to Euston, got of...
Posted by titch rebel. on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 02:04:00 PST

It's panto time!

I went to the panto last night at Milton Keynes Theater, had a blast, yelled loads, sang loud, and laughed a lot. It was brilliant! The set was all sparkly and glittery and the costumes were awesome, ...
Posted by titch rebel. on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 01:32:00 PST

THUNDER @ New Theatre Oxford (Nov. 18th '06)

THUNDER New Theatre Oxford Saturday, November 18th 2006 Off with the babbling now [because that's what I do, babble and ramble]. Rob and Colin came to pick us up at about just gone 6pm, Rob went to g...
Posted by titch rebel. on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 05:13:00 PST