Some people ask, "What's with the skull"? The answer: Jesus died for our sin! He paid our penalty ("For the penalty of sin is death"). We can choose to have eternal life with Him in Heaven or eternal death in Hell. The life that Jesus gave for those who choose to believe in Him put a smile on the face of death for all time. True Christians don't have to fear death,; it is just the beginning of our eternal life in Heaven.In addition, did you know that the place Jesus was crucified was called in Hebrew, "Golgotha", which means "the place of a skull". There was an outcropping of rocks nearby that looked remarkably like a skull. In English the name Golgotha is translated to Calvary. Because many people are fascinated with our logo, they come forward and ask us questions. This provides opportunities to share the message of salvation in a way that is invited, and non-confrontational. There are many folks out there who have been turned off or disillusioned by conventional churches and "religion" in general. We are first and formost Christian disciples. We are down to earth guys who have "been there and done that" in the secular world system. Want to know more?
Last Disciples,,
P.O. Box 74
Atascadero, CA 93423
Myspace Photo Cube
Please Support-
The Beacon Light Mission
Est. 1902 (831) 830-7063 Fax:(310) 830-3260 Inc. 1905
525 Broad Ave.
Wilmington, Ca. 90744
Jesus had no servants, yet they called Him Master.
Had no degree, yet they called Him Teacher.
Had no medicines, yet they called Him Healer.
Had no army, yet kings feared Him.
He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world.
He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him.
He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today.
Feel honored to serve such a Leader who loves us.
Larry T. Hedges
1st Sgt U.S. Marine Corps Retired
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Everyone! Especially those who don't know Jesus personally. The Last Disciples are not about religion or denomination. Satan, the enemy of our souls has done his best to confuse mankind, especially through "religions" so he can divide and destroy us for eternity. We are about faith and belief in Jesus, respect, prayer support, and sharing the simple truth of the Bible and the message of salvation.
Last Disciples,,
P.O. Box 74
Atascadero, CA 93423
[email protected]
Wes Estes is one of our brothers. He was involved in a motorcycle accident in Costa Mesa, Ca. while on his way to church,and went to be with the Lord, July 10th 2007 he was 34 years old. He will be truly missed. Wes left behind 3 young daughters, a Mother, Brother, and 2 sisters. Please keep them in prayer.
"The Wind" and "V-Twins" by Rinehart and the Thunder Headers, featuring Vance & Hines.
The Kingdom (bring a seatbelt), Passion of the Christ (bring your heart), Gladiator (bring your spirit), Ghostrider (bring your imagination).
Fox News, O'Riley Factor, L.A. Ink
Holy Bible, Wheels of Grace magazine, American Iron, American Bagger. Did we mention the Holy Bible (if you read nothing else, read the Gospel of John, then YOU decide if Jesus is the real deal!).
Jesus Christ, Wes Estes, Evel Kneivel