[the infamOus]
See More of thiz bAstard
allOw me to
intrOduce myself
"if gOd would'nt give me heAven..i'll raise hEll..until it's heaven"
I gO by thE nAme of Vin lAst nAme ROdriguezim the the kid that has an ego higher than the
president of United StatesI gOt yOu stuck off thE's Vin my chArm is a sin..Vin chOkes a lOt..Vin jOkes a lOt..Vin smOkes a lOt.
..I light a stick evEry oncE in a whilE..
I lOok fucking slick whEn i fucking smilE!
Oh yEp i'm tAlkin' rEckless nOw,cOz im thA reAson why yA'll girlfriends are
yOur ex-es nOw!!..I'm yOung,wild and rEstlEss..if yA'll bitchEs wAnna stArt shit i'll end it!Im also a self confessed prick.I just don't give a fucK boUt what people think.i just do whAt i have to if yA don't like me...bite me!
I am a crAzy bAstard,i don't give a shit!I ain't no gAngster..,i dOn't hAve tO be one..''tiz bOy is strOng enOugh tO hOld his own''
..i will flip anyone who comes up to mE wrOng!(.....yOu cAn nEver undErstand diz kid...
nO one will...yOu hAve to rEpeAt mAh
entire lifE prOcess first,every sEcOnd
of it fOr yOu tO undErstAnd me.....)
I am thAt cOmplicAted...This is me,im as reAl as cAn be....eithEr love me..,or lEave me alone.What more can i say huH!?.....
PIMP- To be cool. To be flashy and popular with women. Pimp doesn't usually refer to the classic definition of pimp as a manager of prostitutes. In Hip-hop slang, to say "you're a pimp" is to pay a guy a complement. A friend of mine overheard a kid say "Winston Churchill was a pimp," meaning that Churchill was an awesome personality.
"i gOt 99 prOblems but a bitch ain't onE"
any mAn wOuld be dAmned
not tO do anything fOr them
..sEe hOw thEy
shOwed "VIN" love..
*princEss clai-clai*
*my dafdaf*
. . . nOw shOw me sOme
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