La banda Gottahmlich se formo en octubre de 2007, aunque el proyecto ya tenia varios años, con temas nuevos y nueva formacion arranca en Diciembre... Goth industrial con guitarras duras e influencias varias, que no discriminan en ,Industrial,Electro Dark,Deathrock /Batcave/Post-punk/Gothic Rock/Psycobilly/Dark Cabaret/Darkwave/Dark Ambient etc)dentro de lo oscuro, aspero, electronico y extremos inclusive opuestos.
Formada por ; Psyklon (guitarras) , Rendezvous bats (bajo) , Richard Ikon (teclados y sampler) , y Stigmata (voz , secuencias y programacion)
------------------------The band Gottahmlich was formed in October 2007, although the project had already several years, with new issues and new training starts in December ... Goth industrial guitars harsh and several influences, which do not discriminate in,Industrial,Electro Dark,Deathrock /Batcave/Post-punk/Gothic Rock/Psycobilly/Dark Cabaret/Darkwave/Dark Ambient etc) styles inside the dark, rough, Electronic and even opposing extremes.
Formed by; Psyklon (guitars), Rendezvous bats (bass), Richard Ikon (keyboards and sampler), and Stigmata (vocals, sequencing and programming)Contacts : [email protected],[email protected],
[email protected],[email protected],
Tabla de contactos en Español - joombly.comGOTTAMLICH LIVE IN GARGOLAND