Hocico music is unique Racso and Craig started this Band in 1993 in Mexico City with just simple instrument and homemade instruments they had a guitar player before but he left. All of their music is about what people go through everyday in life shit the we got to take from others. Hocico doesn't sing about love songs no they sing reality.
Hocico Biography Two souls survivors of an angry City were violence and gangs rule. Corruption takes over politics, people trying to survive each day. Hocico is formed with members, Racso Agroyam and Erk Aicrag. Emerged in 1993 as Hocico De Perro, which later became as known as Hocico a hard-electro act the lashes out against the detioroting human spirit compassion and rage.
Actually the band started to create their own sound in 1989 with a project called Ninera Dejenarada or Abuser Babysitter This creation used homemade distortion, tape samplers, portasound keyboard, and homemade instruments. This project was left, but in 1993 they came back with professional equipment now they had the change to prove and show the world what they are capable of doing in music.
Three demos tapes were recorded. In 1994s Misuse, Abuse and Accident, Autorgresion Presidente, and 1996s Triste Desprecio. This will call the attention of Opcion Sonica Label. Hocico first Album, Odio bajo el Alma was release in 1997.
HOCICO DVD: A Traves de Mundos Que ArdenBRAND NEW & SEALEDHOCICO LIVE: Without a god Tales from the third world Distorted face Born to be (hated) Poltergeist Spirits of crime Bloodshed Odio bajo el alma Bizarre words Untold blasphemies Forgotten tears A broken glass
SPECIAL FEATURES: A day at The Wave Gotik Treffen 2005 Mexicans at work - Sangre Hirviente recording sessions A Broken Glass (Live at Kir Hamburg 2000) 5 mins of fame -- Interview for National Cable TV, 1999 Memories of Home -- Extracts of Hocico shows in Mexico City Born to be (hated) - Animated Video Clip Mexican Pose -- Photo session at Erk's house 2001 for Signos de Aberracion Forgotten Tears (Live at Werk II Leipzig 2004) Cuando la Maldad Despierta -- Video and Slide Show Hocico speaking to the Crazy Clip TV, 20002 Hell on Earth (Live at Kir Hamburg 2000) Angry eyes on Mexico City -- Visual impressions from Hocico's metropolis Wrack and Ruin visions -- Extracts from the Backing Visuals 2004 Instincts of Perversion (Live at AGRA WGT Leipzig 2002) Hocico and the Hocicones -- Signature sessions at Mera Luna 2005
This is the fucking music of the mind of Hocico