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The Little Imp In Heidi's Head

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Neil Gaiman, Tori Amos, Charles DeLint ,Charles Vess,and various other authors, musicians, and artists, Mr. Dembro's mom


ani difranco- porqupinetree- tori amos- stone temple pilots- ami mann- the orb- elvis costello- dave matthews band- sting- radiohead- mazzy star- eric johnson- joe satriani- steve vai- rush- jane's addiction- moby- kate bush- the cult- the cure- staind- dreamline - jason l- classic rock- anything funny- doctor demento(lets all get demented)- jerky boys- adam sandlar- big band music- jethro tull- king crimson-mars volta-the kinks-the beatles-classical music-ballet music-miles davis-robert johnson-Pink Floyd-The Who-Yes- The Throwing Muses-The Cranes-Smashing Pumpkins- Portoshead-Filter


I like avantguard movies like The Governess, Chasing Amy, Clerks,and Velvet Goldmine. I like comedies like Dodgeball, Meet the Parents, and Zoolander. I like Japanimation for example, Vampire Hunter D and Star Blazers. I like Sci- Fi and Fantasy like The Lord of The Rings, The Black Caldren, Hearts In Atlantis(though the book was better),Earth Sea, Minority Report, Blade Runner, Harry Potter, 2001,2010, Gormangaust, The Neverending Story, the Secret of NIMH, Legend, The Last Unicorn, The Dark Crystal, and Soul Music. I like Agatha Christie mysteries. I like musicals like Rent or Cats. Mirrormask, it's on DVD.Neverwhere, too.
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I like PBS. I like docomentaries on any subject. I like british comedy like Red Dwarf and Keeping Up Appearances. I like the A&E movies like Moll Flanders, Our Mutual Friend, and Nickolas Nickleby. I try not to watch too much TV. I'd rather be doing something.


Lets start with authors:Charles Delint, He wrote The Newford Stories, The Onion Girl, Tapping The Dream Tree, Yarrow, And Forests of the Heart. He's one of my favorite authors because his stories are so possitive and to quote the Edmonton Journal"He's a romantic; he beleives in great things- faith ,hope,and charity(especially if love is included in that last)-but he also beleives in the power of magic-or at least the magic of fiction -to open our eyes to a larger world."Next would be Neil Gaiman, the author of Sandman (a graphic novel), American God's, Neverwhere, and Good Omens(with Terry Prachett) to name a few. Then there is Terry Prachett himself who wrote the Disc World novels,which I find hillarious. Daniel Handler aka Lemony Snicket author of A Series of Unfortunate Events,which are full of irony.Books:Ink Heart, Anne of Green Gables,The Dark Tower Series,(acually I've read all of Stephen King's books),Earthsea, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, The Long Dark Teatime of the Soul, The Giver,The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, I could go on and on. I love to read and I am always open to new books and books i like-"Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister" and "Son of a Witch" by Gregory McGuire-"Gifts" by Ursela Leguin-Anything Ronald Dahl writes-Neil Peart's "Ghostrider"-"Memory and Dream" by Charles Delint-"The Other Side of Silence" by Margaret Mahy-"The Divide" by ? Kay-"Swansong" by Robert McKannon-"Mirror, Mirror" by Gregory McGuire-"Oliver Twist" by Charles Dickens-"High Fidelity" by Nick Hornby-"The Neverending Story" by Michelle Ende-The "His Dark Materials Trilogy" by Phil Pullman-"Properose's Children" by Jan Seigal-"White Oleander" by Finch-Anything Louis Sachar writes-"Inkspell" by Cornella Funk-"Me Talk Pretty One Day" by David Sedaris-Anthing Mark Twain wrote-Anything Cive Barker writes(especially Imagica and Weaveworld)-Larry Niven's Ringworld novels-"Catwings" by Urslea Leguin-"Fade" and "Tenderness" by Robert Cormier-"Enchanment" by Orsan Scott Card-"Do Andriods Dream of Electric Sheep" by Philip K. Dick-Books on languages-Those I Spy picture riddle books-"Anansi Boys" by Neil Gaiman-"Bridge to Terabithia" by Katherine Paterson-"The Unicorn Sonata" by Peter S. Beagle-books on brain-teasers and cryptograms- books on orgami-"Thud" by Terry Prachett-"Going Postal" by Terry Prachett- "Anthem" by Ayn Rand- "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee-"Yarrow" by Charles Delint- Hellblazer comics-How to Draw Manga books-Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain-The Human Brain Coloring Book-"A Brieffer History of Time" by Stephen Hawkings-"The Historian" by Elizabeth Kostova-"The Ghost in the Shell"-"Rhapsody" by Elizabeth Haydon-"Emotional Intelligence" by Daniel Goleman(he also wrote Vital Lies, Simple Truths)-"the curious incident of the dog in the night-time" by Mark Haddon-"Gathering Blue" by Lois Lowry- the Dune series by Frank Herbert- "The Kiterunner" by Khaled Hosseini-


None. I try not to put people up on pedistals, they brake into to many pieces when they fall. Then you have to sweep the pieces under the rug. Oh my goodness! I don't have any rugs!

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My Blog

Sometimes all I want to do is dream away and wake up in some forty mile town

We found a house. We're just waiting on the financial end. The band is recording new music( Chris is a prolific writer). I got a new position at work and a raise. My son is doing better in school...
Posted by The Little Imp In Heidi's Head on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 08:59:00 PST

Some people come into your life and they leave a mark

He came into my life when I was in a vunerable state. He had a choice. He could either lift me up or kick me down. He chose to lift me up. Even now, when I've had a bad day and need to talk just the s...
Posted by The Little Imp In Heidi's Head on Wed, 28 May 2008 05:04:00 PST

My Secret Project

I'm working on a new pill, the anti-viagra. For all those guys who can't get it to go down. I don't know what to call it. Any suggestions?
Posted by The Little Imp In Heidi's Head on Thu, 22 May 2008 01:36:00 PST

I think I’ll name the mold growing on my dishes Charlie

I stare at the dishes sitting there in the sink. Then my gaze wanders to the backdoor and the beautiful day beyond it. Fuck the dishes! I'm going outside. 
Posted by The Little Imp In Heidi's Head on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 07:04:00 PST

A Parent

It's almost been three years since my father died of a heart attack and I still don't miss him. Sometimes I feel bad that my son does but I don't feel the way he does about his Pop Pop. I can understa...
Posted by The Little Imp In Heidi's Head on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 04:24:00 PST

Five Dollar Day

Time was sitting on the couch reading the newspaper when Brian walked in. He had a look on his face something akin to being run over by a construction vehcile. After putting his lunch box do...
Posted by The Little Imp In Heidi's Head on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 06:44:00 PST

Pretty Birdy

I’m excited. I’m getting a bird or maybe two today. I’ve wanted one for a while now. I told George today and he said that I would win Ron Hall Day every week if I had a bird at home....
Posted by The Little Imp In Heidi's Head on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 12:48:00 PST

Rescue Me From Paradise

No new sins todayNot looking for forgivenessLiving day by day
Posted by The Little Imp In Heidi's Head on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 09:59:00 PST

And please don’t insult the customer’s choice in literature to their faces

Check out this video: BNinside Joke ..Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by The Little Imp In Heidi's Head on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 11:31:00 PST

Had a bad day Need to talk

Where to start? I don't know. I had a good day at work. Other than worring about my son's problems in school and tring to figure out a way to motivate him to put forth more effort. Right now I just fe...
Posted by The Little Imp In Heidi's Head on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 07:28:00 PST