Horror Guy (Keenan) profile picture

Horror Guy (Keenan)

The foundation of a good relationship is three little words: I don't know. What're you doing? I don'

About Me

I'm the lead singer for the band, Sharkteeth. add us!I live in Orlando, Florida. Some of my favorite hobbies are watching horror films, surfing, skateboarding, playing bass, reading comics, video gaming (ROCK BAND!), hitting up the local clubs, concerts, cons, ect. I'm always up for anything. I'm never bored! Love just to hang out with friends at the beach or at a night clubs. Maybe have a few drinks, party, dance. You name it!If you ever hit up any of the conventions here in Orlando you are bound to find me. I run a Horror panel at MEGACON and an Asian Horror panel at AFO. If you really want to meet me theres a great place to start. I'm always at DRAGONCON in Atlanta GA. Running Dethklok panels and just plan having fun! I'm also involved with SCREAMFEST here in Orlando.I'm also the lead singer for my band called Sharkteeth. My friends Lee, Carson and Stephen make up the band. It's allot of fun and we plan on blowing that shit up in 2008 so look for us!

My Interests

Surfing, Horror Movies, DDR, Video Games, 10 footers, Halloween, Adult Swim, Partying, Beer, Halloween Horror Nights, beach babes, body shots, Dan Brereton and the Nocturnals, Comics, Broken Lizard, Megacon, Dragoncon, Pittsburgh Penguins, real rock 101.1, red stripe, Corona, Malibu Rum, The beach, XBL, Pittsburgh Steelers, Roxy Girls, Dethklok, VIDEO GAMES

I'd like to meet:

Here you can see all the people I have infected. Horror Guy's plague spreads throughout the world!





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-Rob Zombie -Terry Reid -Wolf (American Gladiators) -Lon Chaney Jr. -Boris Karloff -Bela Lugosi -Elsa Lanchester

My Blog

Day of the Dead [remake] (Review)

"Dawn of the Dead remake? Keenan, didn’t you already review this film back in 2004 when it was released?" Ha ha ha, no little Jimmy. Don’t let that awesome Dawn of the Dead remake knock o...
Posted by Horror Guy (Keenan) on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 11:03:00 PST

The Mist (Review)

So I never saw this film in theaters. I really wanted to but it seemed like I never heard much about it other then reviewers (who said it was great) or I just didn’t have time.Well I am kicking ...
Posted by Horror Guy (Keenan) on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 05:59:00 PST

Tooth & Nail, Borderland (Reviews)

From zero to hero I got two very different reviews tonight. Mark (I’m still working on it) Young’s ’Tooth & Nail’ and ’Borderland’. Both of which come from Afte...
Posted by Horror Guy (Keenan) on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 01:14:00 PST

Come see my band SHARKTEETH Live! TICKETS NOW ON SALE!!!!

April 6th.The Haven.$8.00Sharkteeth needs you, friends. The more tickets we sell, the better placement we get in the line-up. (WE COULD BE THE HEADLINERS!) Come support us! I'm selling tickets so let ...
Posted by Horror Guy (Keenan) on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 11:10:00 PST

Diary of the Dead, Automaton Transfusion and Shrooms (Mini Reviews)

So I have come to terms that I do not have enough time to review horror films AND write songs along with give almost all my free time to my band. Sooooo I figured i'd just give you all a brief run dow...
Posted by Horror Guy (Keenan) on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 10:16:00 PST

Tyrannosaurus Rex

A few weeks back Rob Zombie announced that he will be directing a new horror film for Dimension Films entitled Tyrannosaurus Rex, which is NOT about dinosaurs. I pulled out some old comics of mine tod...
Posted by Horror Guy (Keenan) on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 02:09:00 PST

A tour of where the Horror Guy dwells!!!

So here is my not so virtual tour of my bedroom.This is for all you unlucky few who never step inside the pleasure dome. ;)Here we have my "Rob Zombie wall"-Two signed Rob Zombie posters of House of 1...
Posted by Horror Guy (Keenan) on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 11:03:00 PST


So I have to say after working a rainy, cold, crappy night...today was an awesome day!!!!-Met kitty this morning. Stephanie's all black 11 month old Halloween cat. He is crazy adorable! Funny thing is...
Posted by Horror Guy (Keenan) on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 02:42:00 PST

This season in video games

So it's that season again and there are as many great games out as there are track marks up Lindsey Lohans arms. Here are a few gems i've been digging.I FUCKING LOVE THIS GAME! From the camera angles ...
Posted by Horror Guy (Keenan) on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 11:42:00 PST

I won Mike Dougherty’s Halloween Costume Contest!!!!

So Mike Dougherty (Writer for X2, Superman Returns) created a costume contest this Halloween. The rules were simple. There were three categories. SCARIEST, FUNNIEST, and SLUTTIEST. I won Slu....er.......
Posted by Horror Guy (Keenan) on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 09:24:00 PST