Anime, Swing Dancing, Band, Friends, Flute, Sewing, Movies, Music, Dwarf Hamsters, Sugar Gliders, Video Games, Art History, Renaissance Art, Roman Art, Greek Art, Marching Chiefs, Cats
People who want to be friends!
LOTS of stuff... including stuff from Japan, Korea, Italy England, Germany, and China. At the moment, the CD you'll most likely find me listening to is The Fray.
My favorite is Ever After- I must have watched it dozens of times. Comedies are great, Scary movies are... well, scary. I'd need my boyfriend for those :)
Nip/Tuck, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Friends, West Wing, Scrubs, and all home decorating and makeover thingies on TLC. I love TLC
Black Jewels Trillogy, Harry Potter, Angels & Demons, DaVinci Code, Ender's Game, and many many more.