Hey guys, A good friend of mine recorded an acoustic video on Youtube that made it to the FINAL Top 20 Round of nearly 1000 submissions. Im asking if you could take a second to go and give him your vote. He's been working hard on his music career for just about his entire life and a minute of your time will really make a difference. Thanks so much, heres how to watch his video and vote:
1) Login Here (you may need to do a quick registration if your not already a member, It only takes a moment)
2) Then copy & paste the link below to go to the video and click the yellow thumbs up! :) You can always find the video by copying and pasting this link into your browser once youve logged in...
Thank you so much, a moment of your time would REALLY mean alot to me and make a HUGE difference :) Please dont forget to repost and forward this on to your friends and ask them to put in their vote!
We all need others to speak on our behalf at some point in our lives. For Eric, this is that time- He needs your voice to be heard. If you have a brother, sister, room-mate, daughter, son, elderly next door neighbor that doesn't have computer, co-workers, etc... we can easily increase our voting strength by looking in our own household. We can do it, but it will take everyone working together! If everyone just gets TWO people to vote, and they get TWO people to vote, etc...
lets see lol owen wilson even thought his nose is weird ...... blanie larsen ... gary allan ..... pretty much any one who sings country
i love country and rock and pretty much everything
a walk to remember the lake house NEMO LOL monster inc and Happy Feet
dont watch much but i love reba