Creepy Girl Art & Apparel profile picture

Creepy Girl Art & Apparel


About Me

I'm an artist of the acrylic painting variety. My paintings can be found in the my art album in the pics section of my profile. I love being tattooed. I'm a very spiritual person (but not the christian variety). I feel I have bigger and better things to offer to the world and someday I hope to truly actualize that. I'm quite the non-conformist (I can't even conform to the non-conformist goths...I laugh too much). I was raised by hippies who taught me to be an individual and I think that who I am today should make them proud. I'm a free-thinking artist and though I know there are plenty more in the world (but not nearly enough for my taste), I'm still an individual amongst them. Oh and my dad grew up to be Gandalf (I'm not kidding...check out his picture, he's my number 2 friend).

My Interests

really old dead things, dead babies, painting dead things, playing with dead things on the side of the road, taking pictures of dead things.

adopt your own virtual pet!

I'd like to meet:

HENRY ROLLINS!!!! I just want to have one great conversation with the man. Marcus Junius Brutus, Dave and Kate Hewlett and others in search of a truer spiritual path.
You Are 94% Evil
You're the most evil person you know.
The devil is even a little scared of you! How Evil Are You?

Your Famous Last Words Will Be:
"So, you're a cannibal." What Will Your Famous Last Words Be?


Nine Inch Nails* Voltaire* The Cruxshadows* The Cure* The Smiths (and Morrissey solo)* Rasputina* Tool (and A Perfect Circle)* Elvis Costello* Kava Kava* The Psychedelic Furs* Blur (as well as The Gorillaz)* Depeche Mode* Diablo Dimes* Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds* PJ Harvey* The Pretenders* Radiohead* Skinny Puppy* The Killers* Madness* Spacehog* Space* G Love and Special Sauce* Scissor Sisters* Ween* Zombie Girl* Split Endz* Rob Zombie* Powerman 5000* Velvet Underground* David Bowie* 16 Horsepower* oh really the list goes on and on


Anything Tim Burton* Mirrormask* Donnie Darko* SLC Punk* Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children* I'll Sleep When I'm Dead* Serenity* Harry Potter (all of them)* Empire Records* That Thing You Do* The Business of Fancy Dancing (this movie could be very appreciated by the gay men I know)* Hedwig and the Angry Inch* Broken Hearts Club: A Romantic Comedy* The Machinist* Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me* Blue Velvet* Momento* Pirates of the Caribbean* Go* Evil Dead flicks* King Arthur (with Clive Owen)* Gerry* Harold and Maude* M*A*S*H* Anything Kevin Smith (including Degrassi episodes)* Run Lola Run* Jarhead* Waiting (HIGH-LARIOUS)* Queen of the Damned* The Libertine* Mansfield Park* Superbad* Stardust* Transformers* The Vampire Journal*


I watch way too much tv!!! Gilmore Girls (my favorite)* Stargate: Atlantis* Doctor Who* Firefly* John Doe* Eureka* Ghost Hunters* Degrassi: the Next Generation* Heroes* Deadliest Catch* Mind of Mencia* ER* Numb3rs* Angel* Buffy the Vampire Slayer* Rescue Me* The Shield* Saved* Deadwood* Big Love* Rome* Carnivale (while it was on)* Six Feet Under* The Pretender (only in reruns now)* King of the Hill* VH1...any of there 100 greatests and I love the 80's/90's shows* Radio Free Roscoe (no longer on the air)* 24/seven (may you rest in peace)* It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia* 30 Days* Kyle XY* Dead Like Me* John from Cincinnati* Moonlight* Chuck* Reaper* The Office* 30 Rock* Torchwood* Top Gear*


American Gods, Neverwhere, Anansi Boys, and Stardust by Neil Gaiman* Memoirs of a Giesha* Weetzie Bat books by Francesca Lia Block (the newest being Necklace of Kisses...Weetzie's 40 years old)* Pandora by Anne Rice* DaVinci Code (yup I hopped on that bandwagon) and Angels and Demons by Dan Brown* The Lost Daughters of China* Grimm's Grimmest* The Age of the Gladiators* Good Omens* All the Harry Potter Books* And there are many others (because I'm usually reading about 3 books at a time) I adopted a cute lil' death fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!


Batgirl and Wonder Woman(I like my heroes Super!) .. width="425" height="350" ..

My Blog

Back to Black

Yep! It's true...I'm no longer blonde. I'm actually still in the process of coloring my hair black again. It was fun being blonde for a moment but I really don't feel that it's me. So now I'm me again...
Posted by Creepy Girl Art & Apparel on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 05:51:00 PST

It’s Officially Official

Yup! I'm officially on the senior floor at Wright Beauty Academy (for those of you who would like your hair done by yours truly). It actually happened a day sooner than I thought but I was lucky enoug...
Posted by Creepy Girl Art & Apparel on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 04:34:00 PST

Quick Tally

So the last time I looked at the sheet that tells all the fine students how many hours they have so far (which I think I looked at it yesterday but these would be the results as of last thursday)...I ...
Posted by Creepy Girl Art & Apparel on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 06:07:00 PST

Just a quick update

So things are going alright with school, though I have been sick for two weeks so I have fallen a bit behind. But despite the illness, I’m still over halfway to the senior floor. I had claws but...
Posted by Creepy Girl Art & Apparel on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 03:02:00 PST

Ugh...I have been tagged

Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end, choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their names. Don't forget to leave ...
Posted by Creepy Girl Art & Apparel on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 05:55:00 PST

The Unofficial Employed Blog

So I'm now unofficially employed at Meijer Thrifty Acres (if any of you remember when that is what it was called at one time). I say unofficially because I have yet to even go through orientation. Hon...
Posted by Creepy Girl Art & Apparel on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 06:36:00 PST

It’s been one week...

So I have survived my first week of school unscathed. I have learned alot already and I have had tons of fun too. This week I have learned how to do: French Braids, Cornrows, Manicures, Pedicures, Rol...
Posted by Creepy Girl Art & Apparel on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 05:36:00 PST

My first day of school

So today was my very first day of school and I learned how to french braid (which I did VERY well for having never done them before) and I learned how to do cornrows (those will definitely take some p...
Posted by Creepy Girl Art & Apparel on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 03:03:00 PST

The Official Unemployed Blog

So I'm now Officially unemployed. I still have yet to look for a part-time job (or PT J-O-B). I have decided to put that off until after the holidays. Luckily, they still need me at the Art Center to ...
Posted by Creepy Girl Art & Apparel on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 05:44:00 PST

Panic begins to set in

So I only have a couple more weeks at the Art Center and I have no part-time job yet...panic is beginning to set in. It still has yet to set in that I'm going to school in January. I'm excited in some...
Posted by Creepy Girl Art & Apparel on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 07:43:00 PST