Creative C profile picture

Creative C

About Me

I'm a good person that's all you need to know! not being rude but i'm not like a lot of other females with jealousy & bitchy issues, I'm on here looking for genuine friends not just friends you contact but never ever agree to see, as i see that not having any point to me! I have met good friends already through face book & in a natural way! I'm Originally from Birmingham so London girls prove me wrong by not being the type of girls i've met since i've been here which is very negative so far with a lot of hidden agendas! Sorry only speaking my mind not saying that your all bad i just want to experience so possitivity for a change!!! Birmingham girls can be like that too or most girl anywhere for that matter as i write this don't look at it as a negative as you don't know what has happened in my life for me to be making these comments! This what i've written i don't practice negativity Only positivity & because of this the people that i've come accross who are not right for me feel intimidated as they cannot believe that this is me & i'm not being fake, because it make them look even worse in the eyes of others. If someone does something bad to me i don't waste time catching them back i just hope they learn from their mistakes whether they learn from their mistake by getting the same treatment thrown back at them by someone else then so be it if they had to suffer to become a better person! The reason why i mention women as i only really experience this with women we need to stop hating eachother & learn to embrace eachother!1,If your friend looks good it's not going to hurt to complement her.2,Don't take pleasure in the fact your friend has split with her man.3,If your friends carreer is progressing quicker & better than yours be glad for her.4,If your friend makes friends with other people don't try your hardest not to like her.5,If your friend is getting married don't be jealous & see it as your loosing a friend see it as your gaining another.6, works both ways if your getting married don't dis your friend like she was never in your life because she's the one your going to need if you have problems in your relationship as a crutch to lean on & a shoulder to cry on.7,The kind of friends that sit down & slag off men are not healthy to be around & will usually take pleasure in the fact you may be having trouble in your relationship as a plus.8,Women do not flirt with your friends man their are plenty available men around but you want what she's got literally) 9, Try & help your friend out if she need help with her child whether it's lack of parenting skills or just general baby sitting.10,we all know a lot of men will have things to say about women that are negative but you know what we put some of it in their heads in the first place with all the above negative points i've made above, I had a friend when i was little who i went to nursery, infant & primary school with this girl lives in London she moved here before me when she heard i was pregnant with my son instead of phoning me to say congratulation she decided to deliver a negative comment! If we all work together & start treating each other with love & respect then this little boy below my son & plenty other boys we are raising or helping to raise may not repeat history of this generation & beyond. I already see girls as young as 3 years old practices cutting their eyes at Children the same age & even adults remember you probably wern't allowed to do this when you were little if you has good parenting so why would you allow your Child to display such negative behaviour! we are not all bitches but some of us behave like we need a lead!!!I'm a pisces & i speak my mind but i try & deliver this message in hope that a lot of women on this site evaluate themselves & realise it not always their friends with the problems that why they are on this site it's them themselves you need to love yourself before you love someone else!!!
Creative C


Creative C



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My Interests

Looking after my lovely Family, Shopping, Raving,Roller/Ice Skating, Cinema, Theatre, drawing, designing, writing, poetry,reading, interior design, cooking,gardening, property developing, photography,Childcare,

I'd like to meet:

My Ancestors, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parkes,


R&b, Hip-hop, rare groove, motown, funky house, jazz & ragga


Colour purple, pulp fiction, Mr & MRS Smith, Major payne, Nutty Professor, The Brothers,Soul plane, You got served, Snatch, Little man, east is east, bad santa,wiating to exhale,


Interior design & Property developing,Csi crime, Shameless, East Enders, My wife & kids, All of us, Everybody hates Chris, Cribs, Mtv Base, Wilding out,


Ugly also beyond Ugly By Constance Briscoe, A Boy called it


My Parents,My Grandparents, My Son ,My Fiance