I want every orifice in this fucking body flowing red. RIP THEIR FUCKING THROATS OUT!
Drug Free.
God Free.
If I open my legs
wide enough you reckon
you'll see my soul shining through?
My life:Drink, Smoke, Trevor, Metal, Pwn N00bs, Repeat
My lungs are black and my liver is failing at a rapid pace...can you handle that? Can you look past my dirty habits and see who i am? I don't think you can. But Judge me baby, thats what you do best.
go ahead, steal my shit. it will be the end of you. take your last breath as you pretend to be me. you did a
horrible job at being yourself anyway. I will rip the skin from your face so that you'll never portray a false image of me ever again. Bloody and bruised will be the Final images of you.
I need...
A boy who is sweet. One who would like coming over to my house and just watch movies all day long. Someone who doesnt need to party every weekend [but wouldn't mind doing it with me.] A boy who Loves who i am and never wants to change me. Someone who loves the music i listen to, and a guy who would gladly drag me to shows. A sarcastic guy. and one who can laugh at himself. Someone who would sing to me when im laying next to him. Who enjoys video games just as much as i do. And loves my mother. lol. A tall boy with a sweet face and pretty hair. The boy i wouldn't mind losing everything for.
If there really was a boy like this...run away with me.
dont look back. I already found him.
I've got my life to live, I know you have yours. I bet it's busy living the life of a whore. you've got all the popular people to please. Conducting business on your knees. So fake so Cliche, you have become a dime a dozen, you are just another ordinary fuck. I'm sick of your shit. Stand up and face me, you coward. please don't even open your mouth, i already know what is going to come out. Liars like you live the shortest lives. I came for the showdown, bitch. Brought hell on my heels. I came for a war tonight. Crush you under my wheels. Eat my fucking dust.
Fucking with me will be your last. I defend myself, my family and my friends, mess with them, you are messing with me. We all know what I am capable of. Don't make the biggest mistake of your life.