You won't need to remember my name, because in a few years time, when you need it all you'll have to do is look out the window and read it off the billboards.
Jesus died for somebody's sins- but not mine.
I aspire to be a musician, or to work somewhere where I am in the music watching it happen. I don't want to be on the sidelines watching through a monitor, or listening through headphones that fail to capture the real essence of the music. I want to be right there, watching history unfold in the music that I love, and to be a part of it. The only next best thing is dying, and I intend to achieve my dreams.
I am myself, I like what I like, and if a million other people happen to like it as well, that's not my problem, and I don't care.
"Gay" isn't synonomous with "shitty", stop being so homophobic.
I hate not being able to sleep because at the moment, life is so slow and my dreams are more exciting than real life.
If you comment me, expect me to ramble back. I have no social skills and it's the only way I can think of to have a conversation.
My band means nearly everything to me.
I'd rather be a widow, than a divorcee.
"In a world where billions believe their deity conceived a mortal child with a virgin human, it's stunning how little imagination most people display."
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Hey, Tear Catcher.