Lina profile picture



About Me

It is cruel to discover one's mediocrity only when it is too late.

My Interests

I'm all about Lamaze classes/baby showers/“parenting skills”/preschool anxiety all the way up to college/transitional phases/timeouts/chronic credit-card debt/the indiscriminate wearing of athletic garb/political correctness/anti-political correctness/midlife crises/couples therapy/divorce mediation/Botox/dermatological fillers/cosmetic surgery/the new-and-improved menopause/wearing sunglasses in winter even though you’re not famous/comb-overs/an obsession with the daily lives of the celebrated and merely notorious/real estate as a means to an end/a debilitating reliance on takeout dinners/a preference for esoteric coffee beans/an aversion to butter/an uneasy feeling of identification with Bob Dylan/a denial of death/cilantro, cilantro, cilantro/framing every photograph you’ve ever taken/the belief that your dog/cat is you/an excessively personalized vision of retirement/older single mothers/grandfatherly second-time fathers/a fear that you’ve become your mother or father/a free-floating feeling of grievance that you’ve failed to make obscene amounts of money as a hedge-fund manager/a gut instinct that immortality might be just around the next technological bend


Lucky Jim, Of Human Bondage, Villette, Frost in May, Weetzie Bat, Wuthering Heights, Money, Pride and Prejudice, Valley of the Dolls, Fathers and Sons, Naked, Vanity Fair, A Handful of Dust, Anna Karenina, Korean Home Cooking

