<KiKo> profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

"...they know that the game isnae fuckin straight. They know that there's a Government fill ay dull, boring bastards who gie the likes ay us fuck all and they expect ye tae be as miserable as they are. What they hate is when yir no, in spite ay aw thair fuckin efforts. What these cunts fail tae understand is that drug and club money is not a fuckin luxury. It's a fuckin essential.
-How can ye say that?
-Because we are social, collective fuckin animals and we need to be toghether and have a good time. Its a basic state of being alive. A basic fuckin right. These Government cunts, because they're power junkies, they are just incapable of having a good time so they want everybody else tae feel guilty, tae stay in wee boxes and devote their worthless lives tae rearing the next generation of factory fodder or sodgers or dole moles for the state. It's these boys' duty as human fuckin beings tae go oot clubbin and partyin wi their friends. Now they need tae eat from time to time, it's obviously important, but it's less important than having a good fuckin time."

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


MySpace Cursors


Kubrick, los Monty Python, el Tarantino antiguo, Chan-Wook Park... cosas asi


no tengo...


Vargas Llosa, Hanif Kureishi, Saramago, Hunter S. Thompson, John Irving, TC Boyle, Irvine Welsh, Dostojewski, Haruki Murakami



Quino por todos sus personajes, Eric Koston por su buen humor y su forma de patinar, Peter Griffin, Fry, Bender y Homer Simpson por hacerme reir, Spud Murphy por ser buena persona entre tanto cabron y toda persona que no se tome la vida tan en serio pero la siga valorando...