God. music. hugs.
taking pictures. iced coffee. air guitar. my journal. contagious smiles. holding hands. looking up at the stars. diner nights. union square park. the shore at night. singing in the car. windows down. best friends. laughing till it hurts. making memories.
loving life.
hero pattern. pilot to gunner. mewithoutYou.
anathallo. mute math. broken social scene. nada surf. the early november. lovedrug. hidden in plain view. armor for sleep. saxon shore. the appleseed cast. city and colour. paulson. colour revolt. the honorary title. bradley hathaway. the strokes. the milwaukees. margot and the nuclear so and so's. copeland. elliott. jon mclaughlin. paper route. the receiving end of sirens. spoon. interpol. mellowdrone. jimmy eat world. mew. sigur ros.
amelie. edward scissorhands. almost famous. say anything. garden state. before sunrise. wicker park. newsies. love actually. ferngully. narnia. lord of the rings. jumanji. a mighty wind. orange county. before sunset. thumbsucker.
tour journals. found. all the hits so far. come away my beloved. the perks of being a wallflower. blue like jazz. a delicate fade. deeper walk. post secret. seizing your divine moment. the tipping point. purpose driven life. perspectives. howling at the moon. love letters lost. revolution on canvas.
my wonderful parents and heavenly father for their unconditional love
giles, we'll always love you... forever and always...
rest in peace 10/07/04
jay, mike, rob and pete for being such incredible, loving guys and positive influences in the musindustry