SeX....FOOD....Desruction....Chaos.....SeX.....and even more destructiVeChAos ...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is your Anti-Drug?
I´m just SPECIALiZED...My first biG Love was a HusKY RAT soooooo I´ll be true for the REST of my DAYS....not to her of COURSE *she´s DeaTH :(*(and I´M a SWINGER as ALL RATs)...but only HusKYRATS may ViSit myCAGE and STAY !!! ....
IM FORCED TO LISTEN TO Cauz my HUmAn does... **the Sisters of Mercy**David Bowie**Rausch**Bad Religion** RAMMSTEIN**Marilyn Manson**, Nirvana**, Red Hot Chili Peppers**The Ramones**35007************PEACHES*****Sisterhood**SHOCKTHERA PIE**SeEeD**SlimShady**Lacrimosa**GoethesErben***IggyPoP***N ickCave+the bad Seeds***EINSTÃœRZENDE-NEUBAUTEN***theCure**FearFactory**Slip knot**+++GorillaZ*** and soooooooooooo much more ....
RATPORN... yes there´s a lot of ...PERVERTS you
bad for the Eyes
à eat every Book that happens to lie around...that makes the Brain GROW ...hähähä !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!