Hi my name is Professor Stupid. My name is not an insult, in fact it was a joke at first, but the name stuck. I'm a spoiled brat and my parents love me so please don't be offended!
I am a Panda Hamster. My parents were not in the market to buy a 20 dollar hamster, but my Mom fell absloutely in love and 'had' to have me. When I was first discovered by my parents I was happily running in circles and on my wheel. Unfortunatley the pet store employee scarted the living daylights out of me and I totally freaked out! But I got home, and when I did, my parents had bought me this crappy apartment which they had to return. (I've been through many cages since.) I constantly like to scare my parents with the whole, "I've poked my eye out and will now eat it for your viewing pleasure" and, "OMG I've grew a huge tumor on the side of my face overnight!". (the 'eye' was just some crap and my 'tumor' was food stored in my cheeks.) I have a sister cat named Emma, who hasn't once tried to eat me (or tamper with my cage) Shes the best!
I dont' bite. I also got big balls and am a virgin. ***I'm looking for a nice lady hamster to mate with! If you live in the S. Florida area and are interested, please let me know!***
Small Animal Survey!!!
What kind of small animal are you? panda hamster
How old are you? probably around 8-9 months
Where did your owner get you? petsmart
Do you have any other animal friends living with you? nope, i like living alone
If so, what kinds of animals? n/a
Whats your favorite food? my snack mix
Do you like to be held? i get a little scared at first, but then i get comfortable
Do you poop and pee a lot? yes!
Do you love your owners? i do, they treat me very well
Are you overweight? just a bit!
Do you like to get baths? i perfer cleaning myself
Have you ever??????
Have you ever bitten your owner? no, teeth are only for food and treats
If so, why? n/a
Have you ever met another animal like you? no, but i have a sister who is a cat. she doesn't bother me though
Have you ever pee'd on you owner? haha yes!
Have you ever been outside? i like to roll in my ball out on the porch
Have you ever eaten grass? no, should i ?