Stupid profile picture



About Me

Hi my name is Professor Stupid. My name is not an insult, in fact it was a joke at first, but the name stuck. I'm a spoiled brat and my parents love me so please don't be offended! I am a Panda Hamster. My parents were not in the market to buy a 20 dollar hamster, but my Mom fell absloutely in love and 'had' to have me. When I was first discovered by my parents I was happily running in circles and on my wheel. Unfortunatley the pet store employee scarted the living daylights out of me and I totally freaked out! But I got home, and when I did, my parents had bought me this crappy apartment which they had to return. (I've been through many cages since.) I constantly like to scare my parents with the whole, "I've poked my eye out and will now eat it for your viewing pleasure" and, "OMG I've grew a huge tumor on the side of my face overnight!". (the 'eye' was just some crap and my 'tumor' was food stored in my cheeks.) I have a sister cat named Emma, who hasn't once tried to eat me (or tamper with my cage) Shes the best! I dont' bite. I also got big balls and am a virgin. ***I'm looking for a nice lady hamster to mate with! If you live in the S. Florida area and are interested, please let me know!***
Small Animal Survey!!!
What kind of small animal are you? panda hamster
How old are you? probably around 8-9 months
Where did your owner get you? petsmart
Do you have any other animal friends living with you? nope, i like living alone
If so, what kinds of animals? n/a
Whats your favorite food? my snack mix
Do you like to be held? i get a little scared at first, but then i get comfortable
Do you poop and pee a lot? yes!
Do you love your owners? i do, they treat me very well
Are you overweight? just a bit!
Do you like to get baths? i perfer cleaning myself
Have you ever??????
Have you ever bitten your owner? no, teeth are only for food and treats
If so, why? n/a
Have you ever met another animal like you? no, but i have a sister who is a cat. she doesn't bother me though
Have you ever pee'd on you owner? haha yes!
Have you ever been outside? i like to roll in my ball out on the porch
Have you ever eaten grass? no, should i ?

My Interests

STUPIDS ARE: taking over my tank, running in circles, rolling in my ball, going outside, running in my wheel, shoving and storing food in my mouth, jetsetting acorss the plethora of small animal cages in North America, playing with my edible tiki hut, repetition, repetition, repetition

I'd like to meet:



hip hop


animal planet

My Blog

Petsmart Santa!

Hello! Stupid and Honey Bear here! Yesterday we had quite an adventure..we met santa at petsmart! This was the first formal meeting between the both of us (we live in seperate tanks) but we were total...
Posted by Stupid on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 10:55:00 PST

Dear Friends

I think everyone thinks my scrotum is rather large. Could it be true? (what can i say, i'm a big boy obsessed with my so-called assets!)
Posted by Stupid on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 12:25:00 PST

Thanksgiving Photo Shoot

Hello, Stupid here! I was rudely awakened by my mommy for a thanksgiving photo shoot! the props were awesome, and I had tons of fun running away everytime a picture was taken.. Out of 30 or so shots, ...
Posted by Stupid on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 01:22:00 PST

New Home!

Hello folks, Stupid here! I just got a new house, for the 5th time. Its  a 10 gallon tank with a screen on top to protect me from getting into trouble, and having good airflow. Some people think ...
Posted by Stupid on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 08:21:00 PST