John Lennon profile picture

John Lennon

I am here for Friends

About Me

I guess ya came here lookin to find John Lennon. Let's say you were successful and John Lennon was in this very room. He'd tell you I'm no spirit, and certainly not a God. I'm a man, just like you, of flesh and bone. A man with some vision? A message? Perhaps. A man who loves music? Yeah, that would be true. Music is life, beauty, dirty, pretty life. Music is alive and it's the thing that unites us. The thing that brings us together. Not the only thing, but a damn good one. This page is not an archive of tunes. You can get those at the record shop around the corner. This is about the person you came lookin for, the one who's just like you. If John were in this room he'd say I've been lucky. I've met lots of people. Loved a few and I've had the good fortune of havin a few of them love me back. I've made some mistakes. Some big ones, but I've had the good fortune of doin a few things right, too. Music is Love, people. Plain and simple Love is where it's at, and since Love brought you here, well, welcome. Let's all of us share it. We all have to go, sometime. None of us should be in any particular hurry to get there, but when our time comes it's not anything we have to be afraid of, because it's a part of life, you see. Goin is a part of livin. We all lose people we love and it's hard, but it's okay. It's not anything to be afraid of because the story doesn't end there. Some things may not always make sense, and that's okay. When the tears stop fallin we can laugh when we think, "When I think of em, they're there". In time we learn to accept the things in this life that aren't ours to understand, at least not right away. In the end we never really have to say goodbye. We're all more united than most of us will ever know. "I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together",..... forever.

My Interests

Music, art, cigarettes, booze, music, Love, Love making, artifacts, razmitaz, the occassional spliff. No, he didn't say that. Oh, wiat, I think he did. Good grooming. Playing the triangle.

I'd like to meet:

Lots of people. You, me, him, her over there.

Yes, Brothers and Sisters, This applies to you.

Ringo's got a New one



Lots of it.


Here's a film of my 31st Birthday in Syracuse, NY


Whatever's on.


Holy books and those that can sustain my interest.


Shake the magic eight ball. Magic eight ball says, "Ask me again later."