Love hard Sci-fi (Heinlein, Niven, Asimov, Clarke)...I like the idea that there is a certain order in the universe. I think in a way it's a proof that a higher intelligence exists. God? Goddess?? The fact that out of all the possible ways quarks, atoms, molecules, energy could have manifested it allowed life to be possible (and thus this paragraph to be possible). That these writers follow these rules (a/k/a physics) and yet create something fresh and plausible makes it that much more enticing.
Wait...was I supposed to be talking about books? Oh yeah...
A friend of mine just got me started on reading Tom Robbins, which is decidedly NOT Sci-fi (hard or otherwise). Apparently he appeals to my philosophical nature.
Vonnegut is also a fav. "Love may fail, but politeness will prevail"
...wise words, Kurt.