My passions: languages and travelling.My fun: dancing or just let my mind submersed into music, hanging out with friends or family, simply enjoying life.My concern: working on what could make the world better.My belief: love la boum mumu Niagara Falls back in France with my roomates from SD New Year's Eve 2006 ivan and the after party....loup! last day in SF Hawaii i love u famous temple takin and babak shrimps place bumper tube NYC my friend babackfrisco toujours yassaman and Sly T Sly T and I gian lou, yassaman and I in SF... Marr, Ivan, Sly T and I ...for El Dawg's birthday halloween party 1 sexy virginie and seb virginie and I Wolphe and I, friends for 20 years Alcatraz with Fab and Sof Golden Gate crazy sof in the car to go to SF Sof and I at Jeremy's, SF Back to SD with Fab Frisco party Dj Sly T, Sheena and me last day in France before leaving for the States ma petite martha thats Aude Martha and Karim, my favorite couple anne cé i love my friends! martha before exams ISIT School Sebastian show again... me after a show silvius family my angels val d'isère with Fab and sof Sof & I at geneva my brother fab, martha, nico & me at Monaco French riviera, so beautiful... fab at my appartment in Niza
Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend. (Albert Camus)
I like all kind of music but as i love dancing, most of the time i listen to music that will make me move. Music is constantly in my life, and according to my mood, i listen to the type that combines with it.
All books of Marc Levy, Dan Vinci Code by Dan Brown, L'Empire des Anges by Bernard Werber, Brulee vive, Eldorado, Cyrano de bergerac, Hamlet, Streetcar named desire, Odysse, Troyes, Geisha, Le monde de Sophie (only if you like philosophy) The tao of Pooh Les cinq personnes que j'ai rencontrées là -haut
What is a heroe? the definition is different for everybody. Personnaly, being a heroe is not only saving a life or fighting for a country, it's simply helping whoever needs it and doing it whitout thinking of it, just because you want it.