Life and everything it encompasses....
Models..... young and old, male or female, experienced or not.
music is my favorite thing in the whole wide world and more!Thee best Bass amp on earth
i love movies too. mostly the foreign or indy low budget ones of course PORNOGRAPHY!!! and occasionally one of the big cheesy gazillion $$$ productions.
most of the 70's and 80's sitcoms, discovery ch, history ch, animal planet, HBO!!! shows (you know which one's) world link tv, fuse, xtasy ch, and of course old cartoons 1920 to 1980 etc etc. etc... can't stand reality shows save for one or two. and fuck FOX!
Siddartha, Old man and the sea, all of John Fante and Bukowski, Cannery Row, Wonderland Ave., Christian F., The Ways of White Folks, Metamorphosis/The Hunger Artist, Tuesdays with Morie, How to win friends and influence people! and so many many more.... i really dig autobiographies, some of my my favs are: Sidney Poitier, Quincy Jones, Mingus, Miles Davis, Jerry Lewis- Dino and Me, Gene Simmons, and more.
Leonardo Da Vinci, Bono, John Lennon, Buddha, Helmut Newton, Annie Leibowitz, Ansel Adams, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Richard Avedon, Imogen Cunningham, Man Ray, Robert Mapplethorpe and without a doubt my number one hero is and will always be my grandfather Vincenzo Catone!!!