† Chromegasmic † profile picture

† Chromegasmic †

I SEE YOU!!!!!

About Me

My name is Kat.
I'm a professional alternative model.
I am my own artist. Most of the stuff I've done are mostly done by myself. From make-up to photography. I have an openmind when it comes to modeling with the exception of nudity. I don't do nude poses but I am open to fetish/goth themed projects as long as it's nothing distateful.
I prefer doing my own make-up, clothing and hair but I'm also willing to work with other stylists.
At the moment I'm only doing shoots where I can be either featured on a website or magazine. If you want to do a paid shoot please feel free to message me or if you prefer my direct modeling email
[email protected]
As for the bands, I do help advertise bands that I personally like in exchange for my banner and such. I can also distribute demo cds and flyers, we can discuss about it if you're interested.
I'm NOT Asian. I'm Filipino/Spanish/French. If you disagree with it then you can shove it :). I wear contact lenses. I'm nearly blind. I'm lactose retarded. I'm a pyro. I love catching spiders. I'm fascinated by serial killers. I eat liver. I'm very sensitive when it comes to sunlight/heat. XXL Monster Energy drink and cigarettes makes me a happy morning person. I can eat spaghetti for days. One of my hamsters is 07's Hamster Ball Derby Champion. I have a stash in my room where I keep all my sweet sweet candies. Chocolates makes me very happy. According to my husband if I was an anime I'll be a mouse. I love getting shots or when they get my blood samples. One day everyone who has backstabbed me will be destroyed, one curb stomp at a time.
There's nothing else in this world that I would want but for my family's happiness. We may not be all together right now but my boys are my only source of strength to go through all these. I'll go through anything for them without thinking twice about it.
Aren't they the cutest? ^_______^
Yes they are.
I'm very lucky to have a good man by my side who loves me and the most adorable boy ever.
♥ ♥ ♥
I've came across several profiles on different websites with people impersonating me. And like the highlander, there can only be ONE Chromegasmic and that is ME.
No I'm not a lesbian who cybers online and neither am I a 16yr old asian chick named Kyoko. It did bother me before but honestly now I don't give a shit. If you people are really that low pretending to be someone you're not then go ahead knock yourselves out. We all know who's the real deal anyways, you can't lie to yourselves LOL! So, if some of you run across one send me a link it's always interesting to read the shit they post.

My Interests

My family. Hanging out with my friends. My pets. Picking on my husband. Movies. Animes. Music. Eating. Sleeping. Drawing. Taking pictures. Playing dress-up. Making hair falls. Doing make-overs. Playing video games.

Astrology. Serial Killers. Chocolates. Lots and Lots of Chocolates. Ice cream. Furry things. Whip cream. Perfumes. Big Loud Fast Trucks. Dead Roses. Alternative Fashion. GaiaOnline. Paranormal. Guitars.

Spiders. Coffins. Synthetic Hair. Spikes. Collars. Chains. Bubbles. Knives. Random insects I find around. Numbers. Piercings. Tattoos. Needles. Syringe. Blood. Guts. Gore. Green Apple Vodka and Cheeseburgers. BBQ. Skulls. Rollercoasters. Cigarrettes. Eyeliner. Make-up. Monster Energy Drink.

Coffee. Radioactive and Biohazard symbols. Platform boots. Leather Corsets. Someone playing with my hair. Graphic design. Stars. Massages. Fire. Investigating random places. Sneaking up on people. Drinking. Fishnets.

Goofing around. Rough housing. Compliments. Hiding. Spooking out people. Pancake batter. CHEESE. Baking. Cooking. Shopping. Stand-up comedy. Exploding Medicated Baby Heads.

Ignorant people. Arrogant people. Idiots. Liars. Backstabbers. Fake people. People in general. Meddlers. People who talks shit because they have to life. People who intervene with my life. People who have hurted my family. The Long family in oaklahoma. The judge who let those low life bastards took my son away. The retarded lawyer we had who didn't do shit. Half of my relatives. People who tries to force their religion on me.

Slow drivers. Drivers who don't fucking pay attention to the road. Celery. Mustard. Dust. Fleas. Bug bites. Flies. Emo faggots. Guys who hits on me in the most stupidiest ways. Random people trying to touch me. Bitches trying to hit on my man. People who ask the same questions over and over. People who ask me if I'm "gothic" or "gothlic" (WTF is gothlic?). People who grabs or pull my extentions.

I'd like to meet:

Artist, Photographers, Musicians, Models, Freaks, Robots, Anime Freaks, and anyone who can share the same interest as I do. I'm not quite fond of people but I'm always open to making new friends. I'm usually quiet and shy around new people but then again most of the time I'm just spacing off into my lala land. If you wanna be my friend feel free to add and message me.

Join my army of spawns and minions.
Let's make this a better place (LOL!)

I do get quite a bunch of mails everyday so if I don't get to reply back to you, don't get all butthurt. Also I do go out of town for days almost weekly so give me a break mofucka :). Some mails though I do intend to ignore, mails saying "You're hot", "You're a sexy freak", "Come over", etc. Seriously, wtf am I supposed to say back? Thank You? FUCK that! If you're gonna send me a message at least say something decent.

Don't ask me to meet up with you or go on a date.
If you haven't noticed I'm a MARRIED woman and it's going to stay that way.

Create your own visitor map!


Ever since I was a kid, I've been the musically inclined one in the family. I've always listened to a wide variety of music. I used to sing alot when I was younger and then turned to playing guitar when I hit my teen age. I've always wanted to play drums but never had the chance since my parents doesn't approve of it (lol!). I never really focused on learning how to play guitar but I want too soon! Just as soon as I get my guitar back from this one fuckface who had the nerve to steal it *shakes fist*

Here are some of the bands that I support and love. You mofuckers should take a few mins to check them out, add them and show them some love!
Be a man! You fuckin blowjob!

My Blog

Peanut Butter and Jelly time

This week has been a bit busy for me.... Wednesday I had a "slumber party" at my house there were only 4 of us but it was still fun, we even made a sign lol The tiny prints says: "Warning: Very high ...
Posted by Chromegasmic on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 01:13:00 PST

Olla Myspace XD~

Hey you Mr./Ms. Nosey Reader of mine! So what have I been up too you ask? As you probably already know I am preggo (If not then now you know lol) Well besides tormenting my poor husband with my craz...
Posted by Chromegasmic on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 06:21:00 PST

A special someone

In times like thisPain maybe infiniteBut is to be put to rest and overcomeSorrow may be never endingBut these wounds are only meant for mending Some scars will never healAnd I may never see ...
Posted by Chromegasmic on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 02:06:00 PST


I was just reading some of my old posts on LJ and OMG! LOL I must have been on something everytime I posted on there I don't even remember most of the shit that was posted on there... like... Stockto...
Posted by Chromegasmic on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 12:42:00 PST

Just blabbing bout bullshit =]

Hey! FUCK YOU! That's pretty much all what I want to say but then again I got TONS more shit that I really do want say but maybe I shouldn't... haha we'll see as I go along with this shit... First, F...
Posted by Chromegasmic on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 08:57:00 PST

Friends... and some things like it ^______^

I was just thinking bout all the people... "friends" that has been in and out of my life. The ones that has fucked me over in the past and the ones that has been by my side all these times. I have and...
Posted by Chromegasmic on Wed, 23 May 2007 02:23:00 PST


I'm so lost! But whatever.... like you said...   It's not the end of the world!  
Posted by Chromegasmic on Wed, 02 May 2007 02:53:00 PST


YesterdayThe rage of hate That was in your eyesMade me realizeThat any momentI could lose everything we have Anxious and brokenI will to keep tryingIn the same way, I want it all to endFor I have limi...
Posted by Chromegasmic on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 04:42:00 PST

Fucking Christmas

Fucking Christmas I miss Joseph... I miss how it was just Me, Albert and Jo. We were happier then, I was a better person then... Now I'm starting to hate myself... Everytime I look in the mirror...
Posted by Chromegasmic on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 01:02:00 PST


 Here's some pictures from tonite, not very exciting but I like them Mike, Brandon and Albert in the back hee hee Me chillin with my hommies! Sometimes, you gotta give the dead some lovi...
Posted by Chromegasmic on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 12:27:00 PST